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Curious About CBD for Sleep & Mood?

Curious About CBD for Sleep & Mood?

cbd oil for sleep

If you found your way to our blog, it’s a safe bet you’re interested in CBD, the “second cannabinoid” in the cannabis plant and one that’s associated with powerful psychoactive effects for pain management, relaxation, and recovery. But in today’s post, we’re going to talk about something a little different: The potential of CBD oil for sleep support.

Sleep is something we all do, and yet it tends to get overlooked. That’s a shame, because as both clinical studies and a mountain of anecdotal evidence suggest, good sleep is absolutely critical to our health and wellbeing. In fact, many therapists report that sleep quality—both their own and their patients’—is a primary concern in their practices.

Here at Papa & Barkley, we think we can help. In particular, our CBD drops and CBD capsules for sleep may make a radical difference in your health and wellbeing. Here’s why.

CBD Oil for Sleep: How CBD Works with Your Body

cbd edibles for sleep


Even in normal times, insomnia is a big deal, affecting an estimated 70 million Americans at any given moment. And now, going on two years into COVID, pandemic fatigue is pushing those numbers to an all-time high.

Cannabis—and in particular CBD, a powerful but non-intoxicating cannabinoid, may offer relief. Do your own research (great start, you’re already reading this post), but also bring your therapist into the conversation. Many therapists are up-to-date on the promising CBD research and may be an excellent resource as you determine how best to integrate CBD into your routine.

Like other cannabinoids—of which there are over 100!—CBD interfaces with the endocannabinoid system (ECS). Though it was only identified in the 1990s, it’s now believed that the ECS is one of the body’s principal regulatory networks, governing, among other processes:

  • Appetite and metabolism

  • Immune response

  • Memory

  • Communication between cells

  • Proper sleep function

The ECS sends and receives signals via natural chemicals called endocannabinoids. While these compounds are produced by the body, they’re strikingly similar to those produced by the cannabis plant.

What this means for our bodies is that cannabinoids such as CBD and THC are distinctly effective because they’re “speaking the same language” as the chemical signals in the ECS. Some researchers believe that this is why cannabis—in particular CBD—can help us find deeper, more restorative sleep.

In part, it was the large body of anecdotal evidence suggesting that CBD helps us sleep that spurred the current research. To that end, a large-scale study completed in 2019 found that CBD helped the majority of test subjects get better rest (and, incidentally, help shed stress and calm overworked nerves).

How? The study focused in part on cortisol, a hormone typically associated with stress. While it’s fairly normal for cortisol levels to peak in the morning, high cortisol levels at night are associated with poor sleep. The study concluded that CBD helped reduce cortisol levels, thereby acting as a gentle and all-natural sedative.

What’s the Best CBD for Sleep?

Try our CBD products in both drop and capsule format. And rest assured: Whichever format and strength you choose will be made from clean, all-natural CBD sourced from whole hemp flowers grown organically and sustainably, right here in the USA. Extracted using nothing more than gentle heat, pressure, and time, our full-spectrum CBD infusion is blended with pure MCT oil derived from coconut. That’s all!

Because everyone’s a little different, sometimes it takes a little experimentation to find the optimal dosage. Your therapist may be a good sounding board for your dosing plans. That’s one reason we offer our CBD products in three strengths: Mild, regular, and double strength. Whichever one you choose, we believe they can help you get back on track for better sleep. And remember: Better sleep is a very important factor in improving overall wellness.

Do you have any other questions about the best CBD for sleep? Just ask! We’re always happy to help.

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