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How CBD Supports a More Balanced Outlook

How CBD Supports a More Balanced Outlook

With 2021 behind us, it’s time to breathe a sigh of relief and look for ways to get a fresh start. If you’re still experiencing a bit of the winter blues or any other kind of strain on your mental state, we’d like to propose a simple strategy for increasing your wellbeing: CBD for stress relief.

If you’ve leaned on our best-in-class CBD topicals in the past, you know that CBD can be a game-changer when it comes to supporting achy muscles and tired joints. As a growing body of clinical evidence suggests, one of the very best CBD oil uses may be inside our bodies, where it may diminish feelings of stress and support a better mood.

Here’s what the latest research says about this gentle and all-natural response to life’s many ups and downs.

CBD for Stress Relief: A True Partnership with the Body

Even in the best of times, most of us experience some form of stress. According to one survey, over three quarters of us feel stressed at least one day in a typical week. Over time, that feeling can sap our emotional wellbeing, leading to what so many of us know simply as “the blues.”

CBD can help. As a cannabinoid, a natural plant compound derived either from cannabis or its cousin, hemp, CBD interfaces with a regulatory network in our bodies called the Endocannabinoid System (ECS). While the discovery of this bodily system only dates back to the 1990s, scientists now believe that the ECS is of crucial importance, helping us modulate critical functions including pain, memory, sleep, immune response, and several others still.

CBD for Stress Relief

If you picked up on the similarities between “cannabinoid” and “endocannabinoid,” you’re catching on. Because CBD is a cannabinoid, it’s “speaking the same language” as our body’s regulatory network. Compared with many pharmaceutical responses to stress, CBD offers a gentler approach, working in synergy with our body rather than overriding its natural responses.

If you’re interested in trying CBD for stress relief, it’s important to note that unlike its cousin THC, CBD’s effect is often described as a very gentle cerebral “buzz.” That’s one reason our award-winning CBD products can be shipped nationwide. Oh and by the way: the shipping’s on us if you choose one of our Subscribe and Save packages!

So, are you wondering how to use CBD oil to support wellbeing? Here’s what the current research says.

CBD for Stress Relief: Clinical Evidence

We’ve written before on the intersection between CBD and mental health support. Given the ongoing stresses associated with the COVID pandemic, CBD oil is already having a positive impact, helping frontline medical workers cope with emotional exhaustion and symptoms of burnout.

Separately, another recent study found that: “cannabidiol (CBD), a nonpsychotomimetic and nonaddictive main component of the Cannabis sativa plant, reverses anxiety-like behavior.” This additional research slots in nicely with a pair of animal-model studies that suggest CBD acts like an antidepressant in our bodies. A new way to fight the blues (that won’t leave you feeling groggy, disoriented, or distracted)? Yes, please!

cbd for mood

CBD for Wellbeing: In Conclusion

We sincerely hope this post gives you inspiration as to how you can keep a positive outlook and achieve a balanced mental state, despite life’s challenges. We invite you to try out our line of exceptional CBD ingestibles, designed to support your overall health and wellness. If you have any other questions about how to use CBD oil for a better mood, just ask. We’re always here to help!

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