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Surprising Ways Cannabis Can Help You Achieve Your Health Goals

Surprising Ways Cannabis Can Help You Achieve Your Health Goals

My, how times have changed! Only a few years ago, many people described cannabis as a “gateway drug,” one that inevitably led to physical (and even moral) decline. Fortunately for those of us who believe in the many possible health benefits of cannabis use, a wealth of clinical studies supports a simple truth: There are many potential medical benefits of cannabis, and this ancient, all-natural plant medicine is helping millions of us to get fit, boost our happiness, and achieve our health goals. In today’s post, we’ll run down just a few of the benefits of cannabis. Let’s begin with a refresher on CBD and THC, the two major “active ingredients” in cannabis, and how each impacts our bodies and minds. Understanding the Concept of the Cannabinoid CBD   If you know anything about cannabis, it’s probably that it gets you “high.” The truth is more complicated than that. But there’s much more to cannabis than just THC, the cannabinoid known for psychoactive effects. You’ve probably heard of CBD, the second-most prevalent cannabinoid. While some people find it imparts a very mild “buzziness,” CBD doesn’t get you high. What’s more, it’s associated with many of the potential medical benefits of cannabis, including: Treating sore or overstretched muscles Easing stress and nerves Improving the quality of our sleep While most strains of cannabis contain both THC and CBD, a few enterprising companies—including yours truly—are harnessing cutting-edge technology and the goodness of whole-plant medicines to create products designed to deliver the benefits of cannabis using only CBD. How might they help you achieve your health goals? Let us count the ways! Health Benefits of Cannabis Use: Yoga, Exercise, and Working Out Because CBD is so effective at treating overworked muscles, it’s especially useful as a topical treatment right before and/or after a workout. Applied directly to tender muscles, products such as our original Releaf Balm and Releaf Body Oil deliver potent and lasting relief in a relatively short period of time. Then there’s the gentle focusing and energizing effects of CBD. As we’ve shared before, using cannabis with or without THC can help us deepen our wellness routines and quests for self improvement. Many fans find that it sharpens focus and concentration, allowing us to better tune in to the subtle signals our bodies send during exertion. Health Benefits of Cannabis Use: Treating Stubborn Stress “Being well” isn’t just about working out. Especially in the midst of a global pandemic, many of us grapple with heightened stress and nerves. And while researchers are still unlocking the secrets of cannabinoids such as CBD, a growing number of studies point to its usefulness in combating stress and similar symptoms. One test designed to simulate the challenges of public speaking found that moderate doses of CBD proved effective in reducing subjects’ stress. And, as a recent large-scale study demonstrated, there’s a large body of anecdotal evidence suggesting that many of us get lasting relief from stress through CBD products. Medical Benefits of Cannabis: Potential Support for Weight Loss Here’s a potential benefit of cannabis that may surprise you. In stark contrast to lingering stereotypes about cannabis’ association with the “munchies,” a large-scale study from 2019 suggested that those who enjoy cannabis are less likely to be overweight or obese. Researchers analyzed the body mass index (BMI) of some 33,000 participants. Overall findings showed: “Cannabis users, even those who just started, were more likely to be at a normal, healthier weight and stay at that weight.” Now, that’s some news you can really—as they say—stick in your pipe and smoke! As every body is a little different, we offer various strengths so you can find the perfect fit. Do you have any other questions about the medical benefits of cannabis? Just ask! We’re here to help you achieve your happiest, healthiest self!

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Understanding Dosing by Milligrams and the Relevant Conversions

Understanding Dosing by Milligrams and the Relevant Conversions

When you’re just starting to work with cannabis to support your wellness and health, there’s one question you’ll want a clear and authoritative answer to: What’s the right CBD dosage for me? Unfortunately, there’s no single answer to that question. There is a silver lining, though. With the knowledge of how simple conversions such as grams to milligrams work — and a little experimentation—you can settle on an optimal CBD dosage fairly quickly. Whether you’re purchasing our best-in-class CBD ingestibles or visiting your local dispensary, this is the knowledge that will come in handy again and again. Let’s get started! CBD Dosage: The Basics As we’ve written before, CBD partners with our bodies in all sorts of surprising ways. Whether it’s through the strain-reducing effects of topicals such as our award-winning Releaf Balm or the stress-shedding actions of our ingestibles, both clinical studies (and our many happy customers) attest that CBD is demonstrably safe and plant-based. That said, cannabis-like all medicine—works best when used in regular and sustained doses. Many people experience greater symptomatic relief by using the minimum dose of CBD that still relieves their symptoms. While everyone’s a little bit different—and we process cannabinoids differently depending on our age, our weight, and other metabolic factors—we can offer some general guidelines. For instance, a “small” daily CBD dosage might mean 20mg or less. How would you get that much from CBD oil? If you check out the page for our CBD Releaf Oil and scroll down, under the “What’s Inside?” tab you’ll find a breakdown of the ingredients, CBD strength, and other important facts. You’ll also see that a 30ml bottle contains 900mg of CBD and that this size of the bottle contains 30, 1ml servings. From there, it’s a simple jump over to a scrap of paper (or a calculator) to do some division. Dividing the bottle’s CBD milligrams (900) by the number of servings (30) tells you that each dropperful contains a CBD dosage of 30mg. In this example, we’d probably advise someone just starting with CBD to take a half to a single dropperful a day, to begin with. Based on the results, the person could increase the dosage until desired results are achieved. Again, while we always advise a gentle and measured approach to CBD dosages as you find out what works for you, there is no need to stress over what amount is okay to take as you are experimenting. Research suggests that even high dosages—in some cases, 1,500ml a day—are tolerated well. But…what about the grams to milligrams question we raised earlier? Here’s a quick rule of thumb to get you started. Milligrams to Grams: Calculating CBD Dosage at a Dispensary When you purchase cannabis at a dispensary—whether it contains only CBD or the intoxicating cannabinoid THC—it’s typically sold in units called “grams.” You may have heard “eighths” or “quarters” used as measurements. Those refer to an eighth or a quarter of a gram, respectively. To help you visualize: A gram is the basic unit of weight used in the metric system, and it corresponds to the amount of cannabis flower to fill a single joint or two. Now, armed with the knowledge of a gram, let's dig into the next common unit of measurement: milligrams. A milligram is 0.001 grams. It’s a tiny amount. Let’s go back to the example of the bottle we mentioned before: If each 1ml dropper is one dose and that dose contains 30mg, that is equivalent to less than a third of a gram of CBD. Milligram Delivery Methods All of our ingestible CBD options use milligrams for recommended dosing. Ingestible CBD oil is the preferred intake method for many people—particularly for anyone who has trouble swallowing a pill! Other people prefer pill formats, perhaps because they don’t like the texture of oil or because a pill might be easier to integrate into a daily vitamin ritual. Two great methods to consider for accurate dosing in a pill-type format include our soft gels and capsules. Both types contain a specific milligram dosage so you know exactly how much you are taking with each pill. Lastly, milligrams are also relevant to our topical products. The concentration of milligrams in our topical applications helps you understand the concentration of milligrams applied. For example, our 15ml Releaf Balm contains 180 milligrams of CBD. If you use our balm for 15 applications, you are applying 12 milligrams of CBD with each use. CBD Dosage: A Measured Approach It’s important to note that—because every type of cannabis contains different levels of CBD—it’s best to buy purpose-made medicinal products that are carefully quality-controlled for the amount of CBD per dose to maximize beneficial effects. We hope this provides some clarity on calculating your optimal dose of CBD. While it’s extremely unlikely you could “overdose” on CBD, we advise our customers to consult product packaging carefully before using it and take into account their weight and physical condition. Do you have other questions about CBD dosages? Just ask! We’re here to help.

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Can CBD Support Our Aging Pets? The Research Says: "Woof!"

Can CBD Support Our Aging Pets? The Research Says: "Woof!"

If you follow developments in cannabis research, you know that the cannabinoid CBD can support our aging bodies, boost muscle recovery, and may even help promote better mental wellness. While much of the conversation is around CBD for us human beings, any pet owner knows that our four-legged friends age just like we do. Is there a CBD for dogs? Many pet parents have been using CBD dog treats for joint pain for a while now, and the anecdotal evidence that CBD helps our aging furry friends has spurred medical researchers to start investigating CBD for pets more closely. Because we’re animal lovers ourselves, we’re especially excited to share the latest research around this topic! CBD for Dogs: What the Science Says Cannabis for pets may sound surprising, but there is a reason CBD has become so widely used among pet owners. For one, CBD does not produce the same intoxicating effects that THC does. Over and above that, human research on CBD is supporting its use for a long list of therapeutic effects, including reducing tension relief and improved sleep, among others. But CBD for dogs? It turns out that—like all cannabinoids—CBD interacts with a crucial regulatory network called the endocannabinoid system (ECS). Responsible for helping control immune system response, memory, sleep, and other critical functions, the ECS is present in all animals, including dogs. And when it comes to joint pain—a distressingly common symptom believed to affect at least 20% of dogs over one year old—CBD is a safe and well-tolerated option. Veterinarians are also becoming aware of the benefits cannabis and CBD may have for our aging pets, and in 2017 the American Veterinary Medical Association (or AMVA) drafted a resolution that called for the federal rescheduling of cannabis, on the grounds that the cannabis plant’s benefits for pets (not to mention their owners) far outweighs its risks. What about using CBD for your pet's stress? This is an area of research that is still developing, though pet owners report that they are happy using CBD for their pets and scientific study has shown it is safe and well-tolerated in dogs. What’s the Best CBD for Dogs? Stick With Pure and Natural Products If you’re planning to use CBD for the care of animals, we recommend starting out CBD products that contain 0.3% or less. While THC can be therapeutic for animals who are dealing with intense pain or severe medical conditions, our pets tend to be much more sensitive to the effects of THC and it should be given with the help and guidance of your veterinarian. As many clinicians point out, it’s important to know where your CBD comes from. At Papa & Barkley, the care of animals is important to us and we make our award-winning CBD products from 100% USA-grown hemp plants that are clean and healthy for humans and pets. Then we apply heat, pressure, and water to extract the CBD and infuse it with a carrier oil to produce a clean, potent, and effective full-spectrum oil. It’s great for you, and as you now know, it’s great for our four-legged friends, too! Do you have other questions about the best CBD for dogs or how you can use this gentle natural product to improve your pet’s quality of life? Reach out anytime; we’re always here to help!

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Solventless CBD: Choose the Right Application Method for You

Solventless CBD: Choose the Right Application Method for You

If you’ve visited our CBD wellness blog before, we’re willing to bet you’re already a believer in plant-based wellness solutions. As we’ve shared here previously, CBD is a natural powerhouse that research shows can lend us support when we’re feeling stressed or contending with cramps. It can even help our pets as they age with fewer aches and strains, and our solventless extraction methods ensure that our products are as pure, effective, and minimally processed as possible. But this raises a question: With so many choices as to how you can access CBD, what’s the right application for your needs and goals? In today’s post, we’ll help you choose between the three major types of CBD products—topicals, edibles, and ingestible oils—as well as sharing important information about why choosing solventless extraction is the right choice for people, pets, and the planet. CBD and Your Body: Why Solventless Extraction Matters Let’s start with some thoughts on purity. As both common sense and recent studies indicate, not all CBD is created equal. How it’s grown, harvested, and processed all make a difference both in its purity and in its overall impact on our bodies. That’s why Papa & Barkley is dedicated to solventless extraction for all of our thoughtfully made CBD products. CBD, of course, is a cannabinoid, or one of the major “active ingredients” of the cannabis plant. But…what’s solventless extraction? In the context of cannabis, it means that the CBD was processed without the use of potentially harmful chemicals. Solvent-based extractions rely on butane, propane, or other chemicals to remove the CBD from the plant. After the solvent is “purged” (or washed away), the resulting concentrated CBD extract is considered safe for you to use. But even if all the solvent is properly removed, there are other considerations. One of the major issues around the use of extracts made with a solvent is that the producers must safely dispose of those chemicals once they’ve been purged. That means using sophisticated (and expensive) waste-management systems designed to protect workers and neighbors from harm. But as it turns out, even handling these solvents can be dangerous. According to the American Lung Association, these volatile organic compounds (or “VOCs”) can cause multiple health problems such as compromising breathing and causing nausea, and they can also damage the central nervous system and vital organs. That’s why P&B relies on the clean and admirably simple science of solventless extraction. Solventless extraction equipment only requires gentle heat and pressure to remove the CBD from the plants. In return, it protects our people, our products, and our planet. Choosing the Right Solventless CBD Product For You With that out of the way, let’s answer another important question about solventless CBD: What’s the best way to use it? Let’s examine the top three. Topicals Here at P&B, the topic of topicals is close to our hearts. After all, it’s how our story begins: With the original and award-winning CBD Releaf Balm founder Adam Grossman concocted to help his father manage his debilitating back pain. Topicals are tailor-made for dispensing targeted CBD to sore or aching muscles and joints. We recommend applying it liberally and then gently massaging it over an affected area until it’s completely absorbed. You can repeat this process three or more times daily as needed. They’re also a great choice for addressing stubborn nighttime symptoms that tend to disrupt our sleep, including muscle stiffness, menstrual cramps, and other conditions that might interfere with good rest. CBD Capsules and Softgels Cannabis edibles or ingestibles work on the principle that cannabinoids such as CBD are just as effective inside our bodies as outside them. No matter how you access them, cannabinoids interact with the endocannabinoid system (ECS), a vital regulatory network that helps our bodies stay healthy, regulate memory and sleep, and maintain homeostasis, among other functions. Because the CBD in cannabis ingestibles is processed through the stomach and liver, the onset time—or delay until it begins working—can last up to 90 minutes. So for best results, when you use a CBD edible such as our CBD Releaf Capsules we suggest you wait at least that long before taking another dose. When you ingest cannabinoids they are digested and absorbed into the bloodstream, where they can support your health and wellness from the inside-out with body-wide benefits than a more targeted solution like topicals. CBD Oil Drops Did you know that you can also access the power of our CBD capsules and softgels in an ingestible oil format? Our CBD Releaf Oil and other drops are formulated from the same solvent-free concentrated CBD extract as our other ingestibles. But because it’s offered in an easy-to-dispense oil format, there are a couple of potential advantages. For one thing, you have even more precise control over dosing. And for another, you can use these drops to add the all-natural power of CBD to your favorite foods or beverages! Just add one to two dropperfuls (1-2 ml) to each serving. In contrast with edibles, which can take up to 90 minutes to take effect, you can take advantage of what’s known as “sublingual dosing” to speed up the process. Simply place the dose of CBD oil under your tongue and hold it there for a minute or so before swallowing. Because this area has so many blood vessels, you’ll enjoy a much decreased onset time, typically on the order of 15 minutes or so. Otherwise, you can simply add the CBD oil to your favorite food or drink for a slower-acting (but delicious!) way to ingest CBD and its beneficial properties. Solventless CBD: Why It Matters to Us At Papa & Barkley, we’re committed to harnessing the full power of plants as simply and safely as possible. When you read what’s inside our wellness products, you’ll see they contain things like beeswax, coconut oil, and tea tree oil. You’ll also see what they don’t contain: Solvents. Our whole-plant infusions contain the full spectrum of terpenes and cannabinoids present in each and every plant we harvest. From award-winning topicals to convenient capsules to versatile ingestible oils, our products put the therapeutic power of CBD to work for you.Do you have other questions about solventless extraction or the best ways to access CBD? Just ask! We’re here to help!

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Cannabis 101: Is CBD Legal? Understanding CBD's Legality

Cannabis 101: Is CBD Legal? Understanding CBD's Legality

If you’re reading this, it’s safe to assume you’re curious about CBD, the cannabinoid that’s creating quite a stir for potential benefits such as reducing stress, helping us sleep, and helping speed muscle recovery after workouts and exertion. Still, even as the medical uses of this plant-based compound are becoming increasingly clear, many of us still struggle to answer a simple question: “Is CBD legal in all US states?” In today’s post, we’ll clear up any confusion and share some valuable information to help you get the most out of CBD. Especially if you’re traveling, you’ll want to be sure you have this important information on hand. Is CBD Legal? Discovery of a Powerful Medicine from Cannabis CBD is short for “cannabidiol,” the second most prevalent cannabinoid—or “active ingredient”—found naturally in the cannabis plant. First isolated back in the 1940s, CBD was further studied by famed Israeli cannabis scientist Raphael Mechoulam, who was also the first scientist to identify the plant’s other major cannabinoid, THC. Mechoulam’s discovery also determined that CBD wasn’t intoxicating, better known as non-psychoactive. While this discovery could have opened the door to far wider research decades ago, CBD was largely ignored in clinical research for many years. Fortunately, that’s changing. As we referenced a moment ago, a number of studies suggest CBD helps mitigate the symptoms of stress and related complaints. And a 2015 clinical review found that CBD can help reduce addictive cravings and behaviors. Next up was a CBD-based seizure medication. That approval helped pave the way for wider CBD legality. Importantly, CBD can be derived from either cannabis or hemp. cannabis activists would point our attention to one of America’s most famous—and controversial—plants: Wild hemp. Is CBD Legal? A Question of Parentage The question of where CBD comes from is more important than you might think. That’s because it can be derived either from cannabis—legal for medical and/or adult-use in certain states—or from hemp. Because it contains so little intoxicating THC, hemp-derived CBD is fully legal under the 2018 Farm Bill. So, where is CBD legal? Technically, it’s permitted in all 50 states, but some impose more stringent restrictions than others. To keep it simple, here’s an easy rule of thumb: Adult-use Cannabis States: Any CBD product—whether derived from cannabis or hemp—is legal in any state that currently permits adult-use cannabis use. All 50 States: Regardless of adult-use cannabis laws, all states allow sales of hemp-based CBD. This hemp-derived CBD is not administered under a state medical cannabis program and can contain no more than 0.3% THC. Where is CBD Legal? A Guide to Air Travel Per Transportation Security Administration (TSA) guidelines, CBD products are permissible in carry-ons as well as in checked luggage, with conditions: “Marijuana and certain cannabis-infused products, including Cannabidiol (CBD) oil, remain illegal under federal law, except for products that contain no more than 0.3 percent THC. TSA officers are required to report any suspected violations of law to local, state or federal authorities.” According to the TSA, its screening procedures are focused primarily on security. But while TSA officers don’t search for illegal drugs, if an illegal substance is discovered during such a screening, TSA may refer the matter to law enforcement. While the guideline outlined above does permit travelers to carry products containing hemp-derived CBD, it’s still important to check the laws of the state you’re traveling to for guidance. Do you have other questions about CBD legality or whether CBD is legal in all states? Just ask! We’re always here to help!

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What You Need to Know Before Traveling with CBD in the United States

What You Need to Know Before Traveling with CBD in the United States

Products like our CBD balm and CBD capsules can help on long car rides or flights when you are stuck in a sitting position for extended periods of time. Nervous flyer? CBD oil is especially great to help with stress reduction. But before you step onto the plane or gas up your car for that road trip, it is important to know that there are specific rules about traveling with CBD within the United States. Here’s what you need to know before you travel with CBD. Is CBD Legal? Hemp-derived CBD with a THC content below 0.3% is legal in the United States thanks to the 2018 Farm Bill. While the FDA determines the legality of CBD as an ingredient for foods, dietary supplements, and cosmetics, the ingredient itself when derived from industrial hemp is legal. Does that Mean I Can Travel With CBD? In some cases yes, and in others it isn’t recommended. It primarily depends on the rules and regulations of the state you live in and your destination state. For instance, if you live in California and are travelling within the state you can safely travel with CBD because adult use (recreational) and medicinal use of cannabis is legal statewide and California follows Farm Bill 2018 provisions for cannabis products derived from hemp. Each state is free to make their own rules with regards to CBD, so its best to check if CBD is legal in your home state and the state where you plan to travel.   Can I Fly With CBD? Per the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) guidelines, CBD is permissible in carry-ons as well as in checked luggage, with special instructions: “Marijuana and certain cannabis infused products, including some Cannabidiol (CBD) oil, remain illegal under federal law, except for products that contain no more than 0.3 percent THC on a dry weight basis or that are approved by FDA. (See the Agriculture Improvement Act of 2018, Pub. L. 115-334.) TSA officers are required to report any suspected violations of law to local, state or federal authorities. TSA’s screening procedures are focused on security and are designed to detect potential threats to aviation and passengers. Accordingly, TSA security officers do not search for marijuana or other illegal drugs, but if any illegal substance is discovered during security screening, TSA will refer the matter to a law enforcement officer.” While this guideline formally permits travelers on flights to have products containing hemp-derived CBD in both carry-on and checked luggage, it is important to check the laws of the state or country you are traveling to for more guidance. Remember the 2018 Farm Bill mentioned above? The section regarding ‘products that contain no more than 0.3 percent THC’ is the key portion of the guideline. Why is it Important that products contain less than 0.3% THC? The short answer is that by definition, cannabis plants that contain less than 0.3% THC are removed from the Federal Controlled Substances Act and are considered industrial hemp, protected under Farm Bill 2018. This definition is outlined specifically by the 2018 Farm Bill and allows for the cultivation, harvesting, and processing of CBD. The bill also makes clear that only products that accompany appropriate displays of testing as to the concentration of THC are legal. If you are unsure about how much THC is present in your CBD product, check the label or contact the manufacturer directly for COA’s.   When in Doubt Check the Law A safe rule of thumb when traveling with CBD is to ALWAYS check the law and exercise discretion. There are multiple resources available for air travelers, such as the TSA’s security screening page. The TSA also has two social media tools when you aren’t sure if you can travel with a specific product: “For items not listed here, simply snap a picture or send a question to AskTSA on Facebook Messenger or Twitter. We look forward to answering your questions, from 8 a.m. to 10 p.m. ET weekdays; 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. weekends/holidays.” Another amazing tool available for consumers who want to check cannabis laws is the National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws (NORML). Their State Info page allows you to look up the status of cannabis legislation state by state. As always travel safe, know your rights, and when in doubt check the law. Hemp-derived CBD with a THC content below 0.3% is legal in the United States thanks to the 2018 Farm Bill. While the FDA determines the legality of CBD as an ingredient for foods, dietary supplements, and cosmetics, the ingredient itself when derived from industrial hemp is legal.

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CBD & THC Skincare for Sunburns & Mosquito Bites

CBD & THC Skincare for Sunburns & Mosquito Bites

Ah, summer. The time to revel in the joys of spending time outdoors. Whether your jam is lounging by the pool, swimming in the ocean, or taking yourself on a nice nature walk, soaking up the sun comes with its pros and cons. While the sun’s rays are a great source of Vitamin D for your mind and body, the sunburn and mosquitos that come with that are less than ideal. Remember that time you thought that initial application of sunscreen was going to be enough? Or that fun day of hiking when you forgot your bug spray? Yeah, us too, and we guarantee it will happen again. Fortunately, next time it does, you’ll know a few ways to soothe your sunburned skin or irritated mosquito bites with CBD & THC skincare.  What is Sunburn & Why Do Sunburns Happen?  Sunburn is an inflammatory reaction to the ultraviolet (UV) radiation contained within the sun’s light, which damages the skin's outermost layers and causes inflammation, redness, pain, and peeling. Cannabis skincare can help to soothe your skin, moisturize, and repair damaged skin, as well as help with discomfort from sunburn.    Soothing Skincare Ingredients for Sunburn The ingredients in Papa & Barkley's cannabis skincare products were carefully chosen for their skin repairing properties and ability to complement the benefits of CBD & THC. Here are just a few of the amazing ingredients that can soothe and help heal skin cells affected by the sun's UV rays.  Aloe Vera  Growing up in Southern California, I was always getting sunburned. After a long beach day or too much time spent by the pool, our family go-to was Aloe Vera gel. We kept it in the fridge, so it was extra cooling, and I still remember the feeling of relief after applying it. That’s why it’s one of my favorite ingredients in our Releaf Body Lotion! For those of you not familiar with the plant, Aloe Vera is a succulent plant species of the genus Aloe, grown in tropical, semi-tropical, and arid climates around the world. Aloe Vera is mainly cultivated for agricultural and medicinal uses, which is why we knew we had to include it in our body lotion. It’s an antiseptic full of vitamin C, B6, B12, and Acemannan that work together to kill bacteria and stimulate new, healthy tissue to heal wounds making it ideal for helping soothe sunburns. - Laine    The Resurrection Plant (Repair Cream)  You know the Resurrection Stone from Harry Potter?  One of the three Deathly Hallows that gave its owner the power to bring back the dead? Yeah, that stone. Well, that’s basically what the Resurrection Plant does for your skin! The Resurrection Plant AKA Glyceryl Glucoside, lives in plants that thrive in the deserts of Africa under extreme conditions like long-term dryness, high temperatures and extreme UV-radiation. So, it’s no wonder that it’s helpful for soothing sunburns, too. It can help alleviate the irritation and redness that comes from too much sun exposure, while also providing all-day moisture and increasing skin elasticity as you heal. So next time you’re met with a burnt nose, grab our Releaf Repair Cream and let the plant work its magic.  Allantoin   Ever heard of Allantoin? We didn’t either, until it became a vital ingredient of our Releaf Body Lotion. Usually extracted from the root of the flowering plant comfrey, Allantoin can also be derived from sugar beets and wheat! This natural ingredient is non-toxic, non-irritating, and hypoallergenic, making it great for sensitive skin. It also boasts many regenerative properties to help soothe sunburns, chapped lips, alleviate irritations, and stimulate growth of healthy tissue. Whether you are dealing with hot skin from a fresh sunburn or trying to relieve the itching and redness on Day 3, the calming effects of Allantoin, Shea Butter, and Mango Seed oil in our Releaf Body Lotion will help you rejuvenate and heal.    How to Deal with Sunburn & Sunburn Peeling  Hate peeling after a sunburn? Everyone does, but do you know why you peel after being exposed to the sun for too long? It’s the body’s natural safeguards reacting to sunburn; when your skin begins to peel, it’s a sign that your body is trying to rid itself of the damaged skin cells. Depending on where your sunburn is, you can use one of Papa & Barkley’s skincare products. If you have burned your face or neck, turn to Papa & Barkley’s Releaf Repair Cream. Specifically formulated for face and neck, the Releaf Repair Cream blends fresh-pressed cannabis Rosin with moisturizing agents like Squalane and Jojoba oil. If you are trying to help sunburn on your back, chest, or legs, pick up Papa & Barkley’s Releaf Body Lotion. It is activated with fresh-pressed rosin and hydrating agents like jojoba oil, shea butter and mango seed oil, so you can moisturize your irritated skin and reduce swelling and pain. Start by applying either the lotion or the repair cream two times per day, or as often as your skin starts feeling dry and flaky. After several days the sunburn will recede, and your skin will feel better.   How to Stop Mosquito Bites from Itching  What’s even worse than a sunburn? Mosquito bites. Well, at least for me. I’ve recently learned than I am allergic to mosquitos, and they just so happen to love me. If I stand outside for just 10 minutes after 4pm, I’ll probably come away with at least 4-5 mosquito bites, and if I so much as scratch them once, they triple in size and turn into large welts. Fun, right? The itchiness and irritation are unbearable. It happened to me a couple weeks ago, and I was not having it, so naturally, I grabbed my Releaf Body Oil and massaged it into every spot I had a bite. The cooling effects of the Peppermint, Eucalyptus, Tea Tree, and Lavender blend mixed with the healing properties of the whole plant and Vitamin E, which brought the swelling down immensely and made it easier to sleep through the night. If you prefer a more targeted solution, try Papa & Barkley’s Releaf Balm. It will provide the same effects for your mosquito bites as our body oil, but without the slick, oily feeling on your skin. - Laine   Cannabis Summer Skincare Made Simple  For those of you in California, our Releaf skincare suite (Releaf Balm, Releaf Body Oil, and Releaf Body Lotion) will help you get through the summer heat wave. Not only can you help improve your skin health, but you can combat discomfort from irritation and redness while targeting inflammation. For those of you outside of CA, you can rely upon Papa & Barkley’s Releaf CBD skincare suite ( Releaf CBD Body Lotion, Releaf CBD Repair Cream, Releaf CBD Balm, and Releaf CBD Body Oil) for all your cannabis skincare needs. The Releaf skincare line pairs whole plant cannabis rosin with natural ingredients to keep your skin looking healthy and youthful.  Your New Cannabis Skincare Routine  Shop Now References:

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How to Find the Right CBD to THC Ratio

How to Find the Right CBD to THC Ratio

Everyone is different so finding the right ratio is unique to your needs. High THC ratio with little or no CBD can be intoxicating and provide relief from discomfort. Low to no THC and high CBD can provide relief from normal inflammation with little to no psychoactivity. What is the Right Ratio CBD to THC Have you ever seen numbers like 1:3, 3:1, and 1:30 on your favorite product? Here’s why: these numbers represent the ratio of CBD to THC. Understanding ratios and how to apply them is an important step in figuring out which product or strain is right for you. What is a High THC Dosing Ratio A high THC ratio with little or no CBD can be very psychoactive and provide a powerful elevated effect. A topical application, however, will not result in a high. These ratios are preferred primarily by recreational users, although it can also be used to help with anxiety, mood improvement, and help with nausea & vomiting. Topically, THC can also help manage acute pain. Balanced ratios are the most popular variety because they have the widest range of uses. These even blends are helpful for both physical healing and relaxation and for achieving the psychoactive properties and benefits of THC. In fact, any ratios that include both THC and CBD, even in small amounts, activate the entourage effect and are of the greatest overall value compared to pure THC and CBD mixtures. What is a High CBD Dosing Ratio Low to no THC and high CBD mixtures, as well as mixtures that include THC-A will provide the relief and swelling reduction without much psychoactivity, if any. These ratios are of most use to those who wish to use cannabis medicinally and for pain relief, relaxation, and wellness without psychoactive effects. Understanding the dosing ratios associated with THC and CBD can help you refine your cannabis experience and tailor it to your needs. What is the Right Ratio for Me? Everyone’s body is different from the next person so finding the right ratio is unique to your needs. If you are new to cannabis and have need a personalized introduction, I recommend trying Papa & Barkley’s Microdose tinctures. They have the ability to provide a personalized introduction to cannabis, while allowing you to experience the benefits of whole plant infusion. If you are looking for ways to deal with physical discomfort you can always start with Papa & Barkley’s Releaf Balm, or for those of you not in California Papa & Barkley’s Hemp CBD Balm is a game changer.   Find Your Right Ratio Shop Now  

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CBD & THC: What’s the Right Dose?

CBD & THC: What’s the Right Dose?

Figuring out what’s the right dose of CBD and THC is a personal journey that is different for everyone. The easiest way to figure out the right dose for you is to decide the delivery method for the CBD and THC that’s right for you. That can depend on your personal preferences, but there are several options out there to help you get started including inhalation (flower), ingestion (tinctures and edibles), and topicals! Read on to learn more about each method of delivery to find out which is best for you.   Why Do Milligrams Matter? Often when it comes to cannabis dosing, and especially with orally consumed products like tinctures and edibles, cannabinoid content is measured in milligrams. Milligram counts are the cornerstone of proper dosing, especially with ingested products like tinctures and capsules, so understanding them is key to maximizing their effects. For the new user this can be a bit confusing at first, so we’re going to break it down and make it easy for you to know exactly how to fit your dosage needs. The common threshold for feeling the effects of THC is 2MG for most new users, depending on their weight. At around 2.5MG, most people feel a high similar in intensity to a glass of wine or beer. At around 5-10 MG, the most significant effects are felt by infrequent users, and can provide strong psychoactivity. In the case of Papa & Barkley Releaf tinctures, the amount of tincture oil you should take will vary on multiple factors including sensitivity to THC, your body mass, and what you are solving for.   How Many THC Edibles Should I Take? When dosing, especially if it’s your first time, it’s important to take things slowly so that you don’t reach an uncomfortable level. With edibles, just take 2.5 milligrams at a time, waiting 45 to 90 minutes in between doses, until your desired level of relief is achieved. Edibles tend to metabolize THC into a form that is twice as strong and longer lasting, so it’s important to take your time and really figure out what works for you.   How Much Cannabis Should I Smoke? When it comes to smoking, it becomes a bit more difficult to measure proper dosing, as strains vary. The best rule of thumb for smoking is to start with flowers, as opposed to strong concentrates, and take it one inhalation at a time. Milligram counts are essential to proper dosing, so it’s a good idea to always buy products that provide third party testing. Third party testing adds legitimacy to the cannabis industry by ensuring that all labels are accurate and that the contents of a product are always consistent.   How Much Tincture Oil Should I Take? Tinctures, when applied under the tongue and absorbed through the mouth, absorb much faster into your bloodstream and avoid the relatively high wait time of digested edibles. Additionally, tinctures are odorless and not easily confusable with normal food items. Excellent for medicinal consumption, tinctures can come rich in CBD and THCa, both non-psychoactive but extremely beneficial, and avoid the irritation and detriments from combustion or inhalation. To properly use a tincture, you’re going to want to place one drop at a time under the tongue, and wait about 30 seconds before swallowing, allowing the tincture time to absorb into the mouth lining. Wait 15 minutes in between drops to figure out your desired dosage, which you’ll be able to take all at once in the future. Tinctures can also be applied to food, but like edibles, this will take longer to digest and to take effect. How Much Should I Dose With THC? With CBD? Proper dosage is especially important with cannabis products, as cannabinoids do not increase in therapeutic effects with a higher dosage like most medications do. While cannabis is extremely safe to use, dosage is key in extracting the greatest positive effects and avoiding adverse effects like an uncomfortable level of psychoactivity or desensitization to cannabinoids. With cannabis, less is more when unlocking its benefits. Among the easiest ways to properly dose cannabis is the use of tinctures. These are concentrated cannabis flower extract dissolved in alcohol. Not only are tinctures far lower in calories than traditional edibles, they also come in several variations, both psychoactive and non, making it easy to find one for your needs. Average strength is about 30mg per milliliter but can also vary from product to product.   Ready to Start Your Cannabis Journey? Shop Now  

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