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CBD For Muscular Pain

5 Ways That Cannabis Oil Can Help Your Muscles Recover

When muscles are stressed through exercise, tiny tears are formed allowing the muscle to rebuild, recover, and come back stronger. The soreness, stiffness, and discomfort you feel while your muscles are recovering is likely the result of exercise-induced inflammation that occurs during this healing and rebuilding process. CBD for Muscular Pain: How It Can Help More and more athletes are promoting cannabis oils for recovery, and for good reason. Many people who have suffered from exercise-related muscle aches and discomfort have been finding relief with cannabis oil. Here are 5 ways that ingesting cannabis oil may be able to help ease your muscles. Cannabis for Exercise-induced inflammation and Muscle Soreness One of the main ways that using CBD for muscular aches may work is by fighting inflammation from exercise or strain. Numerous cannabinoids have shown anti-inflammatory potential which may aid in minimizing normal muscle inflammation and helping muscles recover more quickly, and CBD is one of those cannabinoids. Cannabis as a Sleep Aid Sleep is a huge part of healing and recovery because during sleep the body does its best work. THC and CBD are both believed to help people fall asleep, but in different ways. Certain THC products may spur drowsiness and sleepiness when ingested, allowing people to fall asleep easier. Meanwhile, CBD is believed to help people fall asleep by calming their minds. By getting better sleep, your muscles may be able to recover more quickly. Cannabis for Relaxation CBD may also work by reducing stress. Why is this important? Well, stress, especially prolonged stress, can increase cortisol levels, which can affect cortisol’s ability to regulate immune responses. Additionally, stress can cause the body to release the “bad” kind of cytokines (proteins that play a role in regulating inflammation) instead of the “good” kind of cytokines that directly signal anti-inflammatory immune responses. Research indicates that CBD may be effective in alleviating stress, laying the foundation for healthy immune responses. Cannabis Topicals for Localized Relief Is ingestible CBD oil for muscle pain not getting the job done for certain, targeted areas? An infused topical may be another option. Topicals are applied locally to trouble spots in order to provide relief directly to those areas without having to travel through your whole system to deliver relief. If you find that CBD oil is helping but you want even more relief, give CBD cream a try for additional, hyper-localized relief. Getting Enough Exercise Exercise is vital to our health. While the aches and exercise-induced inflammation associated with getting enough exercise may be inevitable, that doesn’t necessarily mean you have to suffer through it. There are many ways that cannabis oil may be able to help people with muscular aches and discomfort. Check out our shop for a wide selection of premium cannabis oils that may be just what will provide you that sweet, sweet relief.

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CBD for Pain Management

CBD for Pain Management

Learn how pain management can be made easier by using CBD with Mitch Earleywine, Ph.D. Research reveals that cannabis is an effective tool for pain management. CBD is one of the strongest anti-inflammatory agents found in nature and THC is one of the strongest natural analgesics (painkillers). Different ailments and conditions need different cannabinoids for maximum efficacy. Is CBD Good for Pain Relief? Cannabis is a natural alternative to pharmaceutical pills. One study shows that “a single inhalation of 25 mg of 9.4% tetrahydrocannabinol herbal cannabis three times daily for five days reduced the intensity of pain, improved sleep and was well tolerated;” it even improves the user’s mood! Findings such as these are “comparable to oral drugs used for chronic neuropathic pain.” In fact, THC can have an analgesic (pain killer) effect comparable to codeine: an experiment from the 70s (Noyes et al.) shows that 20mg of THC beat 60mg of codeine and even 10mg of THC was almost as effective.   Chronic Pain Management & CBD Each person’s body and Endocannabinoid system is unique, with different needs and receptors. We believe cannabis should not be one size fits all. We also believe, thanks to research, that optimal therapeutic efficacy requires a ratio of both CBD, a non-psychoactive compound, and THC, the psychoactive component of cannabis. The entourage effect describes this combination of cannabinoids in specific ratios, especially with naturally-occurring terpenes, which has the potential for better effects of cannabis as medicine in (and on!) the body. Papa & Barkley offers a suite of products in different ratios, allowing you to select the best ratio for you and your therapeutic needs. A 3:1 THC to CBD ratio is a good starting point for most people seeking pain relief. A ratio of 1:1 is a balanced holistic approach and 1:3 is often ideal for chronic inflammation and other conditions. Scientific Rigor Mitch Earleywine, Ph.D., with our Scientific Advisory Board provides the following suggestions for cannabis users to reduce pain; his firm belief is that, “no one deserves to hurt and everyone’s different. With cannabis medicine, start with the lowest dosage and give it plenty of time to help before increasing it.” Benefits of CBD & THC For chronic users, the key is to avoid tolerance by keeping dosage low and tracking. If you haven’t used much cannabis, odds are that 2.5 mg of THC will be surprisingly helpful even if you don’t feel any cognitive effects. Then, stay ahead of the pain by administering 2.5 mg every 3 hours or so even if you’re not hurting. It will seem odd that the pain is better even though you don’t feel high, but that’s the beauty of the plant. For occasional pain or flare ups, 5 mg of THC will be surprisingly effective, but give it time to kick in before increasing the dosage. Give a vaporized product at least half an hour and an edible at least 2 hours to kick in before increasing the dosage.

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CBD & THC Skincare for Sunburns & Mosquito Bites

CBD & THC Skincare for Sunburns & Mosquito Bites

Ah, summer. The time to revel in the joys of spending time outdoors. Whether your jam is lounging by the pool, swimming in the ocean, or taking yourself on a nice nature walk, soaking up the sun comes with its pros and cons. While the sun’s rays are a great source of Vitamin D for your mind and body, the sunburn and mosquitos that come with that are less than ideal. Remember that time you thought that initial application of sunscreen was going to be enough? Or that fun day of hiking when you forgot your bug spray? Yeah, us too, and we guarantee it will happen again. Fortunately, next time it does, you’ll know a few ways to soothe your sunburned skin or irritated mosquito bites with CBD & THC skincare.  What is Sunburn & Why Do Sunburns Happen?  Sunburn is an inflammatory reaction to the ultraviolet (UV) radiation contained within the sun’s light, which damages the skin's outermost layers and causes inflammation, redness, pain, and peeling. Cannabis skincare can help to soothe your skin, moisturize, and repair damaged skin, as well as help with discomfort from sunburn.    Soothing Skincare Ingredients for Sunburn The ingredients in Papa & Barkley's cannabis skincare products were carefully chosen for their skin repairing properties and ability to complement the benefits of CBD & THC. Here are just a few of the amazing ingredients that can soothe and help heal skin cells affected by the sun's UV rays.  Aloe Vera  Growing up in Southern California, I was always getting sunburned. After a long beach day or too much time spent by the pool, our family go-to was Aloe Vera gel. We kept it in the fridge, so it was extra cooling, and I still remember the feeling of relief after applying it. That’s why it’s one of my favorite ingredients in our Releaf Body Lotion! For those of you not familiar with the plant, Aloe Vera is a succulent plant species of the genus Aloe, grown in tropical, semi-tropical, and arid climates around the world. Aloe Vera is mainly cultivated for agricultural and medicinal uses, which is why we knew we had to include it in our body lotion. It’s an antiseptic full of vitamin C, B6, B12, and Acemannan that work together to kill bacteria and stimulate new, healthy tissue to heal wounds making it ideal for helping soothe sunburns. - Laine    The Resurrection Plant (Repair Cream)  You know the Resurrection Stone from Harry Potter?  One of the three Deathly Hallows that gave its owner the power to bring back the dead? Yeah, that stone. Well, that’s basically what the Resurrection Plant does for your skin! The Resurrection Plant AKA Glyceryl Glucoside, lives in plants that thrive in the deserts of Africa under extreme conditions like long-term dryness, high temperatures and extreme UV-radiation. So, it’s no wonder that it’s helpful for soothing sunburns, too. It can help alleviate the irritation and redness that comes from too much sun exposure, while also providing all-day moisture and increasing skin elasticity as you heal. So next time you’re met with a burnt nose, grab our Releaf Repair Cream and let the plant work its magic.  Allantoin   Ever heard of Allantoin? We didn’t either, until it became a vital ingredient of our Releaf Body Lotion. Usually extracted from the root of the flowering plant comfrey, Allantoin can also be derived from sugar beets and wheat! This natural ingredient is non-toxic, non-irritating, and hypoallergenic, making it great for sensitive skin. It also boasts many regenerative properties to help soothe sunburns, chapped lips, alleviate irritations, and stimulate growth of healthy tissue. Whether you are dealing with hot skin from a fresh sunburn or trying to relieve the itching and redness on Day 3, the calming effects of Allantoin, Shea Butter, and Mango Seed oil in our Releaf Body Lotion will help you rejuvenate and heal.    How to Deal with Sunburn & Sunburn Peeling  Hate peeling after a sunburn? Everyone does, but do you know why you peel after being exposed to the sun for too long? It’s the body’s natural safeguards reacting to sunburn; when your skin begins to peel, it’s a sign that your body is trying to rid itself of the damaged skin cells. Depending on where your sunburn is, you can use one of Papa & Barkley’s skincare products. If you have burned your face or neck, turn to Papa & Barkley’s Releaf Repair Cream. Specifically formulated for face and neck, the Releaf Repair Cream blends fresh-pressed cannabis Rosin with moisturizing agents like Squalane and Jojoba oil. If you are trying to help sunburn on your back, chest, or legs, pick up Papa & Barkley’s Releaf Body Lotion. It is activated with fresh-pressed rosin and hydrating agents like jojoba oil, shea butter and mango seed oil, so you can moisturize your irritated skin and reduce swelling and pain. Start by applying either the lotion or the repair cream two times per day, or as often as your skin starts feeling dry and flaky. After several days the sunburn will recede, and your skin will feel better.   How to Stop Mosquito Bites from Itching  What’s even worse than a sunburn? Mosquito bites. Well, at least for me. I’ve recently learned than I am allergic to mosquitos, and they just so happen to love me. If I stand outside for just 10 minutes after 4pm, I’ll probably come away with at least 4-5 mosquito bites, and if I so much as scratch them once, they triple in size and turn into large welts. Fun, right? The itchiness and irritation are unbearable. It happened to me a couple weeks ago, and I was not having it, so naturally, I grabbed my Releaf Body Oil and massaged it into every spot I had a bite. The cooling effects of the Peppermint, Eucalyptus, Tea Tree, and Lavender blend mixed with the healing properties of the whole plant and Vitamin E, which brought the swelling down immensely and made it easier to sleep through the night. If you prefer a more targeted solution, try Papa & Barkley’s Releaf Balm. It will provide the same effects for your mosquito bites as our body oil, but without the slick, oily feeling on your skin. - Laine   Cannabis Summer Skincare Made Simple  For those of you in California, our Releaf skincare suite (Releaf Balm, Releaf Body Oil, and Releaf Body Lotion) will help you get through the summer heat wave. Not only can you help improve your skin health, but you can combat discomfort from irritation and redness while targeting inflammation. For those of you outside of CA, you can rely upon Papa & Barkley’s Releaf CBD skincare suite ( Releaf CBD Body Lotion, Releaf CBD Repair Cream, Releaf CBD Balm, and Releaf CBD Body Oil) for all your cannabis skincare needs. The Releaf skincare line pairs whole plant cannabis rosin with natural ingredients to keep your skin looking healthy and youthful.  Your New Cannabis Skincare Routine  Shop Now References:

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CBD for Tennis Elbow

How CBD Can Help Relieve Tennis Elbow

There is nothing better than acing your first serve except acing a game during a match point. If you’ve played tennis, then you know the feeling. Serving in tennis is an electric experience. But the elation of the game is coupled with other discomforting experiences, like inflammation and pain in the tendons of your elbow. Most players are familiar with lateral epicondylitis, better known as tennis elbow, but not many are aware that CBD can really help with acute pains after playing tennis. This article will talk about how CBD can improve your tennis game by reducing exercise induced inflammation and soothing tired and painful muscles. What Causes Tennis Elbow? Tennis elbow is caused by repetitive movements of the forearm and wrist while playing the game. These movements tend to overwork and strain the tendons of the outer elbow and cause sensations of soreness and acute pain over time. When playing tennis hitting forehands and backhands require some wrist movement and puts stress on the forearms. This stress is caused when the muscles of the forearm contract as you hit the ball. Tight grip on the racket as well as poor technique can cause even more stress on the tendons that connect the forearm muscles to the tendons of the elbow. Finally, because tennis requires repetitive strokes per game tennis elbow begins to develop. But CBD can reduce exercise induced inflammation and the acute pain of tennis elbow. How CBD Works in the Body to Help Tennis Elbow CBD is one of the primary cannabinoids found in hemp that act on the Endocannabinoid System (ECS) within our bodies. The ECS has two main receptors, CB1 and CB2, and both regulate different systems of the body. Through these receptors, the ECS assists in regulating functions such as appetite, digestion, immune function, inflammation, mood, sleep, reproduction, memory and pain. By stimulating the ECS and binding to its receptors, CBD can reduce pain sensations and decrease inflammation.  CBD is a unique and all-natural way of reducing acute pain and normal inflammation in the body. When applied topically on the skin it targets the specific area of pain, which makes it perfect for tennis elbow. 5 Benefits of CBD for Tennis Elbow Non-intoxicating: unlike its THC counterpart, CBD is non-intoxicating and will not make you feel ‘high’. Target pain and inflammation: Taking a CBD topical like Papa & Barkley’s CBD balm can help target the inflamed tendons and painful muscles of the forearm and elbow commonly associated with tennis elbow.  Natural stress relief: CBD is a natural stress reliever and can help with concentration. CBD can help you regulate your stress in crucial moments on the court and after when you want to start your recovery regiment. Promote healthy sleep: CBD can help aid in healthy sleep, which will allow your body to recover naturally instead of with the use of sleeping pills. Full spectrum cannabinoids: Papa & Barkley CBD is full spectrum, which means you get the full spectrum of cannabinoids to help target elbow pain while providing you with relief from tennis elbow pain and inflammation. Which CBD Product is Right for Me? Using a CBD topical such as Papa & Barkley’s CBD balm, you can get relief from pain while going to the root of the problem; tendon inflammation brought on by tennis swings. Using CBD balm is easy and effective for pain management. When applied, the balm will penetrate the skin and interact with our endocannabinoid receptors to reduce pain, swelling, and inflammation. Results can be felt within minutes, and relief can last anywhere from two to four hours. Most importantly, the cannabinoids do not reach the bloodstream, so pain relief is localized where applied, with no intoxication. Another way to receive the benefits of CBD is by ingesting in the form of a tincture, like Papa & Barkley’s CBD Hemp Drops. By taking a tincture, tennis players can promote whole body wellness and receive it’s anti-inflammatory properties by dropping a dose under the tongue. When taking a tincture, CBD is metabolized in the stomach like a food or beverage. CBD enters the bloodstream directly and immediately travel to the brain, where they bind to cannabinoid receptor cells. Effects are usually felt within 15 to 45 minutes and last two to three hours. By taking CBD to help you recover, you can focus on enjoying the thrill of catching that backhand at full sprint the next time you are on the court. Resources & Citations:  

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CBD For Athletic Recovery & Performance

CBD For Athletic Recovery & Performance

Learn how athletic recovery and performance is positively affected by regular use of Hemp CBD. By: Mitch Earleywine, Ph.D. Everyone can use CBD safely and effectively; from the daily  to the occasional runner, to the true weekend warrior, to the pro-athlete. Sports leagues are starting to consider cannabis because cannabidiol (CBD), one of the prevalent cannabinoids in cannabis, can help athletic performance, as well as recovery from training. For both the office worker and pro-athlete, CBD, unlike its cousin molecule THC, will not trigger a failed drug test. CBD CAN IMPROVE PERFORMANCE The chance to improve performance stems from CBD’s intriguing ability to decrease stress without creating any subjective high or alteration in thinking. Laboratory research with humans confirms that CBD alleviates stress, even in tough situations. Many athletes emphasize that CBD helps them approach big contests without fretting, while their minds remain sharp for strategy and split-second decisions. CBD CAN ENHANCE RECOVERY CBD should also speed workout recovery. Unlike other anti-inflammatories, CBD does not harm the stomach lining or increase the rates of certain strokes. Research confirms that CBD suppresses the main contributors to normal inflammation, minor aches, and discomfort – potentially protecting muscle cells for growth. The molecule’s delightful enhancement of sleep can also make recovery faster and more efficient. New data on CBD’s ability to balance immune function suggest that it could prevent the annoying colds that often make training less than optimal, too. CBD USERS PASS DRUG TESTS Drug testing in sports can be a moving target. Currently, cannabinoids are listed as banned substances but the test employed focuses on metabolites of THC. CBD will not appear on a drug screen currently, so athletes can rest assured that they are not violating the rules of the game. The spirit of drug testing in sports concerns unfair advantage. CBD is a gentle molecule with no potential for intoxication, addiction, or stimulation. Its keen ability to enhance performance and recovery should make it a superb addition to any athlete’s training regimen. Unfortunately, a handful of prohibitionists want to add CBD to the list of banned substances in a knee-jerk reaction to its link to cannabis. A bit of education should ensure that the International Olympic Committee won’t sacrifice the brains and recovery of athletes to political correctness. TRY CBD FOR YOUR SPORTS RECOVERY REGIMENT Case reports reveal that experienced athletes using 30 mg (or more) of CBD per day notice less angst before big games, quicker recovery, and easier sleep in as little as five days. Sometimes, however, the most convincing research stems from the data you gather yourself. Give it a try!

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How to Use CBD Oil for Discomfort From a Sports Injury

How to Use CBD Oil for Discomfort From a Sports Injury

From martial arts fighter Nate Diaz to professional cyclist Andrew Talansky, many athletes are turning to cannabidiol (CBD) to relieve the discomfort, minor aches, and normal inflammation of sports injuries as well as to enhance performance. Not only can CBD relieve discomfort post-injury; it can also serve as a protectant. Whether you’re a professional athlete or you just shoot hoops with your friends now and then, here are some ways you can use CBD oil for discomfort, specifically in relation to a sports injury. HOW CBD WORKS The cannabis plant contains over 400 chemicals, of which 70 to 120 are unique to the plant and known as cannabinoids. The two major cannabinoids in cannabis are tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), which makes a person feel “high,” and cannabidiol (CBD), which has no psychoactive effects.        Along with having antioxidant qualities that reduce normal inflammation, CBD interacts with the serotonin and vanilloid receptors in the brain, affecting one’s perception of pain. Some athletes report that CBD is so effective in relieving the discomfort of sports-related injuries that it has replaced opioid-based painkillers, which can have highly addictive properties. In addition to minor aches, whole body discomfort, and normal inflammation, CBD has been shown to relieve muscle spasms, muscle soreness, and even help improve sleep. TOPICAL VERSUS INTERNAL CBD CBD can be used both topically and internally, from balms you apply to the skin to tinctures you hold under your tongue. The most common method of using CBD is oral, ideal for whole-body comfort. CBD can be taken as an oil or tincture held under the tongue or vaped, or in capsule form, which often makes it easier to dose. Taking CBD orally means that it will be metabolized faster, so you can feel its effects right away. This method may also potentially alleviate other symptoms like stress or restless sleep. When experiencing sore muscles or spasms, CBD applied topically can target the whole body aches directly. Methods available include patches, balms, body oils, and even bath soaks. The onset of comfort may be more gradual because it has to pass the transdermal layer, but its effects will also be long-lasting, making it a suitable option for chronic discomfort. CBD DOSAGE CBD dosage depends on the user’s specific needs as well as the method used. Though there have been no serious potential side effects, keeping the dosage low (such as 5mg daily) is preferred to avoid intolerance, especially when using capsules, oils or tinctures. This dose can then be gradually increased over time. When applied topically, CBD can be used more liberally, but keep in mind that its effects may take longer to set in, so patience is key. It’s always a good idea to talk with your doctor about any discomfort you’re experiencing to make sure your sports injury doesn’t keep you benched for good. Erica Garza is an author and essayist. Her work has appeared in TIME, Health, Glamour, Good Housekeeping, Women’s Health, The Telegraph and VICE. She lives in Los Angeles. References:

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Why Topical CBD Oil is Just as Effective as Consumed CBD

Why Topical CBD Oil is Just as Effective as Consumed CBD

There are several methods for using CBD oil and reaping the benefits. As you’re likely aware, it can be ingested through vaping, pill form, or used topically as a cream. But, depending on what you’re using CBD for, the method can really matter. For instance, when using CBD for discomfort management, topical oils could be an easy, effective option for physical comfort. Here’s what you should know about using topical CBD oil for minor aches and overall comfort. TOPICAL CBD OIL: IDEAL FOR FIGHTING DISCOMFORT Various research shows that topical CBD oil can be an effective method to combat chronic discomfort. From joint health to normal inflammation, studies have found that topical CBD oil can be very efficient for providing comfort. There’s also research finding that CBD can help with more minor forms of discomfort like cramps and headaches. However, since some of these studies have been performed on animals, further research is needed to confirm CBD oil’s comforting effects on humans. TOPICAL CBD OIL: HOW IT WORKS There are two key ways that topical CBD oil works to fight discomfort. First, the oil contains what are called endocannabinoids, or body signals that help you notice and manage various functions, including discomfort. CBD naturally raises the endocannabinoids in your body, helping to relieve minor discomfort. Second, CBD helps limit your body’s inflammatory response when you have muscle soreness due to exercising or lifting weights. By working with the natural functions in your body, CBD eases a variety of discomfort and helps make you more comfortable, whether you’re dealing with a chronic condition or just temporary minor aches and soreness. TOPICAL CBD OIL: HOW TO USE IT Topical CBD can come in a number of forms, like an oil, salve, lotion or even a patch. There are even CBD-infused bath salts and soaks to give you full-body relief. When you have an area of the body that’s uncomfortable, you can use topical CBD the way you would a lotion to help combat the discomfort. The great thing about topical CBD oil is that it doesn’t enter the bloodstream when you apply it—meaning that it really targets just the area where you slather it on. And, just to give you a heads up: You need to apply it liberally. Skin is designed to keep anything put on it from entering the body. Choosing a product with a high concentration of CBD and making sure that you apply enough to get into your skin’s pores will give you the best results. If you’re using it in the bath, follow the product instructions for how long you should soak, to really reap the benefits. USING CBD INSIDE AND OUT Depending on the ailment you’re hoping to ease with CBD, you should use the most efficient method for comfort. For instance, if you’re using CBD oil for stress reduction, vaping is considered the fastest, most effective means since ingesting in this way can send the CBD and its healing properties straight to your brain. Topicals, by contrast, can take a bit longer to be effective. (And, as mentioned, concentration matters!) Trying a sample on a sore muscle before making a purchase can be helpful—you may feel the effects right away, depending on the formulation. Natasha Burton has written for Women’s Health, Livestrong,, and, among other print and online publications. She’s also the author of five books, including “101 Quizzes for Couples” and “The Little Black Book of Big Red Flags.” References:

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