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Papa & Barkley
Targeted Blend

The Entourage Effect

Terpenes and cannabinoids (such as C🌿D and T🌿C) work together to maximize benefits in the body. Lab and patient-based studies reveal that while each can work well independently, the therapeutic effects of both are likely to be enhanced when taken in combination. Learn More
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From our family to yours

Made With Love

Our namesake comes from our founder’s father, Papa, and his beloved dog, Barkley. Our Releaf Balm was born from our founder's search for a natural solution to relieve Papa's debilitating back pain.

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purity & potency

Our Difference

Other brands use chemicals and fillers that strip away beneficial plant compounds while reducing efficacy. We believe the most effective products come from honoring the plant in its purest form.

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Artisanal Methods

Effective wellness starts in nature. We source sungrown hemp, organic beeswax and premium essential oils to ensure all of our products are clean, natural and effective.

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