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Surprising Ways Cannabis Can Help You Achieve Your Health Goals

Surprising Ways Cannabis Can Help You Achieve Your Health Goals

My, how times have changed! Only a few years ago, many people described cannabis as a “gateway drug,” one that inevitably led to physical (and even moral) decline. Fortunately for those of us who believe in the many possible health benefits of cannabis use, a wealth of clinical studies supports a simple truth: There are many potential medical benefits of cannabis, and this ancient, all-natural plant medicine is helping millions of us to get fit, boost our happiness, and achieve our health goals. In today’s post, we’ll run down just a few of the benefits of cannabis. Let’s begin with a refresher on CBD and THC, the two major “active ingredients” in cannabis, and how each impacts our bodies and minds. Understanding the Concept of the Cannabinoid CBD   If you know anything about cannabis, it’s probably that it gets you “high.” The truth is more complicated than that. But there’s much more to cannabis than just THC, the cannabinoid known for psychoactive effects. You’ve probably heard of CBD, the second-most prevalent cannabinoid. While some people find it imparts a very mild “buzziness,” CBD doesn’t get you high. What’s more, it’s associated with many of the potential medical benefits of cannabis, including: Treating sore or overstretched muscles Easing stress and nerves Improving the quality of our sleep While most strains of cannabis contain both THC and CBD, a few enterprising companies—including yours truly—are harnessing cutting-edge technology and the goodness of whole-plant medicines to create products designed to deliver the benefits of cannabis using only CBD. How might they help you achieve your health goals? Let us count the ways! Health Benefits of Cannabis Use: Yoga, Exercise, and Working Out Because CBD is so effective at treating overworked muscles, it’s especially useful as a topical treatment right before and/or after a workout. Applied directly to tender muscles, products such as our original Releaf Balm and Releaf Body Oil deliver potent and lasting relief in a relatively short period of time. Then there’s the gentle focusing and energizing effects of CBD. As we’ve shared before, using cannabis with or without THC can help us deepen our wellness routines and quests for self improvement. Many fans find that it sharpens focus and concentration, allowing us to better tune in to the subtle signals our bodies send during exertion. Health Benefits of Cannabis Use: Treating Stubborn Stress “Being well” isn’t just about working out. Especially in the midst of a global pandemic, many of us grapple with heightened stress and nerves. And while researchers are still unlocking the secrets of cannabinoids such as CBD, a growing number of studies point to its usefulness in combating stress and similar symptoms. One test designed to simulate the challenges of public speaking found that moderate doses of CBD proved effective in reducing subjects’ stress. And, as a recent large-scale study demonstrated, there’s a large body of anecdotal evidence suggesting that many of us get lasting relief from stress through CBD products. Medical Benefits of Cannabis: Potential Support for Weight Loss Here’s a potential benefit of cannabis that may surprise you. In stark contrast to lingering stereotypes about cannabis’ association with the “munchies,” a large-scale study from 2019 suggested that those who enjoy cannabis are less likely to be overweight or obese. Researchers analyzed the body mass index (BMI) of some 33,000 participants. Overall findings showed: “Cannabis users, even those who just started, were more likely to be at a normal, healthier weight and stay at that weight.” Now, that’s some news you can really—as they say—stick in your pipe and smoke! As every body is a little different, we offer various strengths so you can find the perfect fit. Do you have any other questions about the medical benefits of cannabis? Just ask! We’re here to help you achieve your happiest, healthiest self!

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Does CBD Help With Menstrual Cramps? What You Need to Know

Does CBD Help With Menstrual Cramps? What You Need to Know

If THC is the cannabinoid that grabs all of the headlines for its psychoactive effects, research suggests CBD may be even more impactful. The “second cannabinoid” in cannabis may not impart the euphoria of THC, but it’s hard at work with thousands of people using it everyday to help relieve inflammation and discomfort or to soothe stress. And increasingly, many women are turning to CBD for menstrual pain. Does CBD help with menstrual cramps? As a growing body of research suggests, CBD’s natural anti-inflammatory properties may present a gentler and more effective remedy than the NSAIDS and other drugs typically recommended for menstrual cramps. Not only that, but CBD may also help us find better sleep, which in turn helps us stay positive even when we’re not feeling our best. Here’s the story. CBD, Menstrual Cramps, and You Even though menstrual pain—medically known as dysmenorrhea—is a frustratingly common symptom, researchers aren’t entirely sure of its exact cause. What is known is that a high percentage of women experience menstrual pain, and that many current remedies aren’t completely effective at controlling it. That’s where CBD may have a role to play. One 2019 review found that, because of its demonstrated ability to help relieve inflammation, stress, and sleeplessness, CBD may be a viable treatment for many of the symptoms associated with premenstrual syndrome (PMS), of which menstrual cramps are a major component. These are positive initial findings, however more clinical research is needed to fully understand how CBD’s interactions with the endocannabinoid system and other bodily symptoms impact female fertility and PMS symptoms. CBD for Cramps: Treating the Body, Not Just the Symptom While this post is focused on CBD for menstrual pain, it’s important to point out that when it comes to complex syndromes such as PMS, it’s not unusual for several symptoms—such as headache, lower back pain, or bloating—to present all at once. That’s why CBD’s potential to help improve sleep is so crucial. If you or someone you love suffers from PMS, you know that any of these symptoms by themselves can disrupt our sleep. And when our bodies don’t have an opportunity to rest and naturally recharge, it can lead to a potentially disruptive “cascade effect.” CBD can help. As we’ve written previously, studies suggest CBD helps lull us to sleep without resorting to sedatives or other drugs that leave us feeling groggy the next day. Instead, the cannabinoid interfaces with our endocannabinoid system, a crucial regulatory network, to elicit gentle, effective, and sustainable results. If you’re attempting to get a handle on cramps or other menstrual symptoms, having extra sleep support can make all the difference when it comes to staying rested, upbeat, and productive. We’re such big proponents of a good night’s sleep we’ve developed a whole line of products that can help you get to sleep and stay asleep. Our line of sleep solutions harness the power of CBD and are available in a variety of strengths. CBD for Menstrual Cramps: Wrapping Up With all that said, not all CBD is created equal. As many clinical studies point out, lesser-quality CBD products carry the risk of adulterants or spurious ingredients. That’s one of the major reasons we’re so focused on quality and purity here at Papa & Barkley. Building on our reputation as California’s #1 Cannabis Wellness brand, we’re proud of the natural hemp products we produce. We freely share our Certificates of Analysis because we’re beholden to some very important people: The tens of thousands of people who rely on our products every single day. You can count on our CBD Releaf Drops, available Regular and Double-Strength potencies, to be made with only the solventless infusion methods used for everything we create. It’s our pledge to you and a very important part of our process. We hope today’s post sheds light on the challenges of menstrual cramps and other symptoms (and the potential for CBD to help you manage them in a natural way). If there’s anything more you’d like to know about CBD for cramps, please don’t hesitate to ask. We’re here to help!

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CBD and Stress: The Nitty-Gritty

CBD and Stress: The Nitty-Gritty

Millions of Americans already trust cannabis to help with stress. As we’ve shared before, certain cannabis compounds—specifically the cannabinoid CBD—seem to promote better mood and emotional well-being, and studies suggest that CBD has stress-relieving properties. Important though this is, it doesn’t tell us how CBD works in partnership with our body’s natural signaling system. And part of the answer may lie in the ways that CBD interacts with cortisol, the most important "stress hormone.” In today’s post, we’ll take a deep dive into the world of hormones and cannabinoids. And we’ll explore the endocannabinoid system to try and understand exactly why CBD for stress relief can be such a winning combination. Cannabis for Wellness: The CBD vs THC Question As you probably know, CBD is one of the most important cannabinoids in the cannabis plant. Current research is investigating CBD’s potential for a wide variety of therapeutic applications such as relieving discomfort and supporting better rest, among several others. The other principal cannabinoid is THC, and in some ways it couldn’t be more different than CBD. For one thing, THC imparts a euphoric and intoxicating experience. But when it comes to using cannabis for wellness—specifically to fight stress—THC may heighten anxiety rather than reduce it. According to a large-scale review of the medical literature, the effects of THC are highly dose dependent. At low doses THC can act as a mood booster while relieving tension, but at high doses THC may become anxiogenic, or produce anxiety. This is why the recommended approach of “start low and go slow” for finding the optimal amount of THC for your body is so valuable! CBD, as we mentioned, does the opposite: It tends to promote and support a general feeling of wellness and vitality. What’s more, CBD may even work in concert with THC to balance its effects. Cannabis for Wellness: CBD, Cortisol, and the Stress Response People are turning to stress relief supplements more often than ever before, and the American Psychological Association has even gone so far as to label stress a national mental health crisis. How does cortisol fit into the picture? It’s true that cortisol is often labeled as “the stress hormone,” but in fact, it has a number of valuable functions outside the “fight or flight” stress response. Cortisol helps us regulate our blood sugar and contributes to healthy metabolic function, among other things. But when the body is subjected to an excess of cortisol—typically from a stressful situation such as an emotional crisis, physical threat, or even highly intense exercise—it exerts a number of negative effects: High blood pressure, increased abdominal fat, even contributing to certain cancers and mental health disorders. Initial research suggests that CBD may impact our cortisol levels by inhibiting secretion of the hormone. One clinical study showed that blood cortisol levels were reduced in participants taking CBD, which may provide a clue as to how this compound is able to offer its mood boosting and soothing effects. CBD Stress Relief: The Effects of High Intensity Workouts High intensity workouts (working at 80-90% of your maximum heart rate) have been trending in fitness circles for years, and while they can be a great addition to your workout routine, many experts agree that they should be done in moderation. Because while pushing our bodies hard can feel satisfying—even exhilarating—the excess cortisol this produces might actually diminish the usefulness of your workout. That’s because it is cortisol’s job to spur the body into producing more energy in moments of crisis; and when we intentionally push the body to produce more energy it can break down muscle tissue to extract more usable energy in the form of sugar. Chronically elevated cortisol levels might actually work against our muscle-building and weight-loss goals. And due to the demands of day-to-day life, intense exercise is just one of many ways our cortisol levels can become chronically elevated. Seeing that leveraging cannabis for wellness is one of Papa & Barkley’s guiding principles, we want you to get the very most out of both CBD and your workout routine. Be aware that you can push your body too far and too fast, so consider instead engaging in more moderate and measured forms of exercise. On those occasions when you may go the extra mile, consider a gentle and sustainable aid to muscle recovery. CBD for Health and Wellness: In Conclusion We’re passionate about our customers’ health and wellness and the potential of this all-natural plant medicine. If you have other questions about how to use CBD to support your health and wellness, reach out. We’re always here to help!

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CBD For Muscular Pain

5 Ways That Cannabis Oil Can Help Your Muscles Recover

When muscles are stressed through exercise, tiny tears are formed allowing the muscle to rebuild, recover, and come back stronger. The soreness, stiffness, and discomfort you feel while your muscles are recovering is likely the result of exercise-induced inflammation that occurs during this healing and rebuilding process. CBD for Muscular Pain: How It Can Help More and more athletes are promoting cannabis oils for recovery, and for good reason. Many people who have suffered from exercise-related muscle aches and discomfort have been finding relief with cannabis oil. Here are 5 ways that ingesting cannabis oil may be able to help ease your muscles. Cannabis for Exercise-induced inflammation and Muscle Soreness One of the main ways that using CBD for muscular aches may work is by fighting inflammation from exercise or strain. Numerous cannabinoids have shown anti-inflammatory potential which may aid in minimizing normal muscle inflammation and helping muscles recover more quickly, and CBD is one of those cannabinoids. Cannabis as a Sleep Aid Sleep is a huge part of healing and recovery because during sleep the body does its best work. THC and CBD are both believed to help people fall asleep, but in different ways. Certain THC products may spur drowsiness and sleepiness when ingested, allowing people to fall asleep easier. Meanwhile, CBD is believed to help people fall asleep by calming their minds. By getting better sleep, your muscles may be able to recover more quickly. Cannabis for Relaxation CBD may also work by reducing stress. Why is this important? Well, stress, especially prolonged stress, can increase cortisol levels, which can affect cortisol’s ability to regulate immune responses. Additionally, stress can cause the body to release the “bad” kind of cytokines (proteins that play a role in regulating inflammation) instead of the “good” kind of cytokines that directly signal anti-inflammatory immune responses. Research indicates that CBD may be effective in alleviating stress, laying the foundation for healthy immune responses. Cannabis Topicals for Localized Relief Is ingestible CBD oil for muscle pain not getting the job done for certain, targeted areas? An infused topical may be another option. Topicals are applied locally to trouble spots in order to provide relief directly to those areas without having to travel through your whole system to deliver relief. If you find that CBD oil is helping but you want even more relief, give CBD cream a try for additional, hyper-localized relief. Getting Enough Exercise Exercise is vital to our health. While the aches and exercise-induced inflammation associated with getting enough exercise may be inevitable, that doesn’t necessarily mean you have to suffer through it. There are many ways that cannabis oil may be able to help people with muscular aches and discomfort. Check out our shop for a wide selection of premium cannabis oils that may be just what will provide you that sweet, sweet relief.

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Understanding Dosing by Milligrams and the Relevant Conversions

Understanding Dosing by Milligrams and the Relevant Conversions

When you’re just starting to work with cannabis to support your wellness and health, there’s one question you’ll want a clear and authoritative answer to: What’s the right CBD dosage for me? Unfortunately, there’s no single answer to that question. There is a silver lining, though. With the knowledge of how simple conversions such as grams to milligrams work — and a little experimentation—you can settle on an optimal CBD dosage fairly quickly. Whether you’re purchasing our best-in-class CBD ingestibles or visiting your local dispensary, this is the knowledge that will come in handy again and again. Let’s get started! CBD Dosage: The Basics As we’ve written before, CBD partners with our bodies in all sorts of surprising ways. Whether it’s through the strain-reducing effects of topicals such as our award-winning Releaf Balm or the stress-shedding actions of our ingestibles, both clinical studies (and our many happy customers) attest that CBD is demonstrably safe and plant-based. That said, cannabis-like all medicine—works best when used in regular and sustained doses. Many people experience greater symptomatic relief by using the minimum dose of CBD that still relieves their symptoms. While everyone’s a little bit different—and we process cannabinoids differently depending on our age, our weight, and other metabolic factors—we can offer some general guidelines. For instance, a “small” daily CBD dosage might mean 20mg or less. How would you get that much from CBD oil? If you check out the page for our CBD Releaf Oil and scroll down, under the “What’s Inside?” tab you’ll find a breakdown of the ingredients, CBD strength, and other important facts. You’ll also see that a 30ml bottle contains 900mg of CBD and that this size of the bottle contains 30, 1ml servings. From there, it’s a simple jump over to a scrap of paper (or a calculator) to do some division. Dividing the bottle’s CBD milligrams (900) by the number of servings (30) tells you that each dropperful contains a CBD dosage of 30mg. In this example, we’d probably advise someone just starting with CBD to take a half to a single dropperful a day, to begin with. Based on the results, the person could increase the dosage until desired results are achieved. Again, while we always advise a gentle and measured approach to CBD dosages as you find out what works for you, there is no need to stress over what amount is okay to take as you are experimenting. Research suggests that even high dosages—in some cases, 1,500ml a day—are tolerated well. But…what about the grams to milligrams question we raised earlier? Here’s a quick rule of thumb to get you started. Milligrams to Grams: Calculating CBD Dosage at a Dispensary When you purchase cannabis at a dispensary—whether it contains only CBD or the intoxicating cannabinoid THC—it’s typically sold in units called “grams.” You may have heard “eighths” or “quarters” used as measurements. Those refer to an eighth or a quarter of a gram, respectively. To help you visualize: A gram is the basic unit of weight used in the metric system, and it corresponds to the amount of cannabis flower to fill a single joint or two. Now, armed with the knowledge of a gram, let's dig into the next common unit of measurement: milligrams. A milligram is 0.001 grams. It’s a tiny amount. Let’s go back to the example of the bottle we mentioned before: If each 1ml dropper is one dose and that dose contains 30mg, that is equivalent to less than a third of a gram of CBD. Milligram Delivery Methods All of our ingestible CBD options use milligrams for recommended dosing. Ingestible CBD oil is the preferred intake method for many people—particularly for anyone who has trouble swallowing a pill! Other people prefer pill formats, perhaps because they don’t like the texture of oil or because a pill might be easier to integrate into a daily vitamin ritual. Two great methods to consider for accurate dosing in a pill-type format include our soft gels and capsules. Both types contain a specific milligram dosage so you know exactly how much you are taking with each pill. Lastly, milligrams are also relevant to our topical products. The concentration of milligrams in our topical applications helps you understand the concentration of milligrams applied. For example, our 15ml Releaf Balm contains 180 milligrams of CBD. If you use our balm for 15 applications, you are applying 12 milligrams of CBD with each use. CBD Dosage: A Measured Approach It’s important to note that—because every type of cannabis contains different levels of CBD—it’s best to buy purpose-made medicinal products that are carefully quality-controlled for the amount of CBD per dose to maximize beneficial effects. We hope this provides some clarity on calculating your optimal dose of CBD. While it’s extremely unlikely you could “overdose” on CBD, we advise our customers to consult product packaging carefully before using it and take into account their weight and physical condition. Do you have other questions about CBD dosages? Just ask! We’re here to help.

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Can CBD Support Our Aging Pets? The Research Says: "Woof!"

Can CBD Support Our Aging Pets? The Research Says: "Woof!"

If you follow developments in cannabis research, you know that the cannabinoid CBD can support our aging bodies, boost muscle recovery, and may even help promote better mental wellness. While much of the conversation is around CBD for us human beings, any pet owner knows that our four-legged friends age just like we do. Is there a CBD for dogs? Many pet parents have been using CBD dog treats for joint pain for a while now, and the anecdotal evidence that CBD helps our aging furry friends has spurred medical researchers to start investigating CBD for pets more closely. Because we’re animal lovers ourselves, we’re especially excited to share the latest research around this topic! CBD for Dogs: What the Science Says Cannabis for pets may sound surprising, but there is a reason CBD has become so widely used among pet owners. For one, CBD does not produce the same intoxicating effects that THC does. Over and above that, human research on CBD is supporting its use for a long list of therapeutic effects, including reducing tension relief and improved sleep, among others. But CBD for dogs? It turns out that—like all cannabinoids—CBD interacts with a crucial regulatory network called the endocannabinoid system (ECS). Responsible for helping control immune system response, memory, sleep, and other critical functions, the ECS is present in all animals, including dogs. And when it comes to joint pain—a distressingly common symptom believed to affect at least 20% of dogs over one year old—CBD is a safe and well-tolerated option. Veterinarians are also becoming aware of the benefits cannabis and CBD may have for our aging pets, and in 2017 the American Veterinary Medical Association (or AMVA) drafted a resolution that called for the federal rescheduling of cannabis, on the grounds that the cannabis plant’s benefits for pets (not to mention their owners) far outweighs its risks. What about using CBD for your pet's stress? This is an area of research that is still developing, though pet owners report that they are happy using CBD for their pets and scientific study has shown it is safe and well-tolerated in dogs. What’s the Best CBD for Dogs? Stick With Pure and Natural Products If you’re planning to use CBD for the care of animals, we recommend starting out CBD products that contain 0.3% or less. While THC can be therapeutic for animals who are dealing with intense pain or severe medical conditions, our pets tend to be much more sensitive to the effects of THC and it should be given with the help and guidance of your veterinarian. As many clinicians point out, it’s important to know where your CBD comes from. At Papa & Barkley, the care of animals is important to us and we make our award-winning CBD products from 100% USA-grown hemp plants that are clean and healthy for humans and pets. Then we apply heat, pressure, and water to extract the CBD and infuse it with a carrier oil to produce a clean, potent, and effective full-spectrum oil. It’s great for you, and as you now know, it’s great for our four-legged friends, too! Do you have other questions about the best CBD for dogs or how you can use this gentle natural product to improve your pet’s quality of life? Reach out anytime; we’re always here to help!

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Here’s How CBD Can Help With Stress

Here’s How CBD Can Help With Stress

If you’re feeling stressed out, you’re not alone! Rising stress levels have led the American Psychological Association to call stress a national health crisis. One potential remedy is medical cannabis, though some people find that THC can actually worsen stress instead of making it better. But not all cannabis is created equal. If THC is an imperfect solution, millions of Americans are turning to CBD for stress as an alternative. Sometimes known as the “second cannabinoid” in the cannabis and hemp plants, CBD is an all-natural compound popular for its calming effects. And in addition to a mountain of anecdotal evidence, a growing number of clinical studies suggest that using CBD for stress relief may be a gentle, sustainable, and effective way to help manage feelings of overwhelm. In today’s post, we’ll share everything we know about using CBD for stress.   CBD For Stress: How Does It Work? When we ingest THC or CBD through products like CBD oil, they produce their effects by interacting with something called the endocannabinoid system (ECS). The ECS works to keep the body in balance by regulating such crucial functions including sleep, appetite, discomfort, and stress. And as such, many physicians believe it’s one of the body’s most vital regulatory networks. THC, the cannabinoid best known for imparting the cannabis plant’s intoxicating psychoactivity, works by binding directly to cell receptors in the ECS. But CBD—which imparts at most a very gentle cerebral “buzz”—works differently. It interacts with the ECS through complex and indirect mechanisms that researchers are working to understand more precisely. That said, a number of studies point to the cannabinoid’s effectiveness. Numerous studies conducted on both animals and humans indicate that CBD has strong potential to help us manage and treat stress. One test designed to simulate the challenges of public speaking found that moderate doses of CBD proved effective in reducing subjects’ stress. And as a recent large-scale study demonstrates, there’s a large body of anecdotal evidence that suggests that many of us get lasting relief from stress through daily use of CBD products such as our original- and double-strength softgels, capsules, and drops. One 2011 study on CBD for stress relief found that pre-treatment with CBD oil resulted in less stress and cognitive impairment in test subjects. Another study from 2019 found that pre-treatment with moderate doses of CBD helped test subjects decrease stress when compared to a placebo. Moreover, a 2020 review of eight individual studies found that CBD was able to help reduce a number of stress-related disorders, in each case with few reported adverse effects. What about the neuroprotective effects of CBD? Stress reduction may play a role here as well. According to one 2017 study, some of CBD's potential to help reduce stress may come from its ability to regulate emotional memory processing. By regulating fear memory processing, for instance, CBD may be able to reduce the stress responses produced by learned fear. In effect, this may potentially allow people to remain calm in situations that would ordinarily inspire an anxious, stressed, or even fearful response. We’ve just shared a number of clinical studies, but what about the anecdotal, or self-reported evidence? In this case, the results are even more conclusive: From individuals relieving work-related stress to a recent survey that found that 37% of respondents used CBD for stress, a large body of documentation suggests that using CBD for stress relief is a strategy that’s paying real-world dividends for millions of Americans. CBD Gummies for Stress: Easy, Convenient Self-Care Here at Papa & Barkley, we’re thrilled to offer an easy, convenient (and delicious!) way to enjoy the benefits of CBD: With our handcrafted CBD Releaf Gummies. Offering a simple way to fold CBD into your daily wellness routine, these small-batch vegan gummies contain nothing but full-spectrum solventless CBD alongside other natural and Fair Trade Certified™ ingredients. We believe they’re best CBD gummies for stress. Our very first mouthwatering flavor is berry pineapple, a tropical and fruity pairing that provides a top-shelf taste experience without any bitterness. As with all our ingestibles, our edible gummies deliver precise doses of cannabinoids for consistent and predictable outcomes. Each gummy contains 15 mg of pure CBD. Start by taking two gummies once per day, then increase the dosage as needed. We recommend a consistent, daily CBD routine as this helps increase the efficacy of the product and produces noticeable long-term results.   What CBD Dosage for Stress is Right? When it comes to leveraging the power of CBD for stress, finding your perfect dose may require some trial and error. A good place to start is at 30 mg of CBD (that’s the amount of CBD in a single serving of our best-selling CBD Releaf Drops). If you find that amount isn’t quite getting the job done, then you can bump your dose up slowly. Upping the dose by 5 mg at a time is an easy and often effective increment. For best results, we recommend upping your dosage slowly over time. Why? While the likelihood of your experiencing one of CBD’s rare, minor side effects (such as nausea or dizziness) is quite low, increasing your dose slowly over time allows you to adjust to gradual changes in your intake. In addition, documenting the effects of each dose in a cannabis journal can be a good way to keep track of how each dose makes you feel and could help you to narrow down your perfect dose more quickly.   CBD for Stress Relief: In Conclusion If you know Papa & Barkley at all, you know that we’re committed to our customers’ wellness and the potential of this natural plant medicine. We’re passionate about our process, and are continually working to make the solventless, chemical-free CBD solutions we provide the very best available on the market. Using gentle infusion, the integrity and benefits of the cannabis plant are maintained, while avoiding harsh chemicals commonly used with CO2 and butane extraction. By choosing the best of the best hemp farmers in America, we closely work with our farmers to ensure every plant and every ingredient is clean, safe, and ready to make the most effective products for you. If you have other questions about how to use CBD to support your health and wellness, reach out. We’re always here to help!

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Solventless CBD: Choose the Right Application Method for You

Solventless CBD: Choose the Right Application Method for You

If you’ve visited our CBD wellness blog before, we’re willing to bet you’re already a believer in plant-based wellness solutions. As we’ve shared here previously, CBD is a natural powerhouse that research shows can lend us support when we’re feeling stressed or contending with cramps. It can even help our pets as they age with fewer aches and strains, and our solventless extraction methods ensure that our products are as pure, effective, and minimally processed as possible. But this raises a question: With so many choices as to how you can access CBD, what’s the right application for your needs and goals? In today’s post, we’ll help you choose between the three major types of CBD products—topicals, edibles, and ingestible oils—as well as sharing important information about why choosing solventless extraction is the right choice for people, pets, and the planet. CBD and Your Body: Why Solventless Extraction Matters Let’s start with some thoughts on purity. As both common sense and recent studies indicate, not all CBD is created equal. How it’s grown, harvested, and processed all make a difference both in its purity and in its overall impact on our bodies. That’s why Papa & Barkley is dedicated to solventless extraction for all of our thoughtfully made CBD products. CBD, of course, is a cannabinoid, or one of the major “active ingredients” of the cannabis plant. But…what’s solventless extraction? In the context of cannabis, it means that the CBD was processed without the use of potentially harmful chemicals. Solvent-based extractions rely on butane, propane, or other chemicals to remove the CBD from the plant. After the solvent is “purged” (or washed away), the resulting concentrated CBD extract is considered safe for you to use. But even if all the solvent is properly removed, there are other considerations. One of the major issues around the use of extracts made with a solvent is that the producers must safely dispose of those chemicals once they’ve been purged. That means using sophisticated (and expensive) waste-management systems designed to protect workers and neighbors from harm. But as it turns out, even handling these solvents can be dangerous. According to the American Lung Association, these volatile organic compounds (or “VOCs”) can cause multiple health problems such as compromising breathing and causing nausea, and they can also damage the central nervous system and vital organs. That’s why P&B relies on the clean and admirably simple science of solventless extraction. Solventless extraction equipment only requires gentle heat and pressure to remove the CBD from the plants. In return, it protects our people, our products, and our planet. Choosing the Right Solventless CBD Product For You With that out of the way, let’s answer another important question about solventless CBD: What’s the best way to use it? Let’s examine the top three. Topicals Here at P&B, the topic of topicals is close to our hearts. After all, it’s how our story begins: With the original and award-winning CBD Releaf Balm founder Adam Grossman concocted to help his father manage his debilitating back pain. Topicals are tailor-made for dispensing targeted CBD to sore or aching muscles and joints. We recommend applying it liberally and then gently massaging it over an affected area until it’s completely absorbed. You can repeat this process three or more times daily as needed. They’re also a great choice for addressing stubborn nighttime symptoms that tend to disrupt our sleep, including muscle stiffness, menstrual cramps, and other conditions that might interfere with good rest. CBD Capsules and Softgels Cannabis edibles or ingestibles work on the principle that cannabinoids such as CBD are just as effective inside our bodies as outside them. No matter how you access them, cannabinoids interact with the endocannabinoid system (ECS), a vital regulatory network that helps our bodies stay healthy, regulate memory and sleep, and maintain homeostasis, among other functions. Because the CBD in cannabis ingestibles is processed through the stomach and liver, the onset time—or delay until it begins working—can last up to 90 minutes. So for best results, when you use a CBD edible such as our CBD Releaf Capsules we suggest you wait at least that long before taking another dose. When you ingest cannabinoids they are digested and absorbed into the bloodstream, where they can support your health and wellness from the inside-out with body-wide benefits than a more targeted solution like topicals. CBD Oil Drops Did you know that you can also access the power of our CBD capsules and softgels in an ingestible oil format? Our CBD Releaf Oil and other drops are formulated from the same solvent-free concentrated CBD extract as our other ingestibles. But because it’s offered in an easy-to-dispense oil format, there are a couple of potential advantages. For one thing, you have even more precise control over dosing. And for another, you can use these drops to add the all-natural power of CBD to your favorite foods or beverages! Just add one to two dropperfuls (1-2 ml) to each serving. In contrast with edibles, which can take up to 90 minutes to take effect, you can take advantage of what’s known as “sublingual dosing” to speed up the process. Simply place the dose of CBD oil under your tongue and hold it there for a minute or so before swallowing. Because this area has so many blood vessels, you’ll enjoy a much decreased onset time, typically on the order of 15 minutes or so. Otherwise, you can simply add the CBD oil to your favorite food or drink for a slower-acting (but delicious!) way to ingest CBD and its beneficial properties. Solventless CBD: Why It Matters to Us At Papa & Barkley, we’re committed to harnessing the full power of plants as simply and safely as possible. When you read what’s inside our wellness products, you’ll see they contain things like beeswax, coconut oil, and tea tree oil. You’ll also see what they don’t contain: Solvents. Our whole-plant infusions contain the full spectrum of terpenes and cannabinoids present in each and every plant we harvest. From award-winning topicals to convenient capsules to versatile ingestible oils, our products put the therapeutic power of CBD to work for you.Do you have other questions about solventless extraction or the best ways to access CBD? Just ask! We’re here to help!

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Cannabis 101: Is CBD Legal? Understanding CBD's Legality

Cannabis 101: Is CBD Legal? Understanding CBD's Legality

If you’re reading this, it’s safe to assume you’re curious about CBD, the cannabinoid that’s creating quite a stir for potential benefits such as reducing stress, helping us sleep, and helping speed muscle recovery after workouts and exertion. Still, even as the medical uses of this plant-based compound are becoming increasingly clear, many of us still struggle to answer a simple question: “Is CBD legal in all US states?” In today’s post, we’ll clear up any confusion and share some valuable information to help you get the most out of CBD. Especially if you’re traveling, you’ll want to be sure you have this important information on hand. Is CBD Legal? Discovery of a Powerful Medicine from Cannabis CBD is short for “cannabidiol,” the second most prevalent cannabinoid—or “active ingredient”—found naturally in the cannabis plant. First isolated back in the 1940s, CBD was further studied by famed Israeli cannabis scientist Raphael Mechoulam, who was also the first scientist to identify the plant’s other major cannabinoid, THC. Mechoulam’s discovery also determined that CBD wasn’t intoxicating, better known as non-psychoactive. While this discovery could have opened the door to far wider research decades ago, CBD was largely ignored in clinical research for many years. Fortunately, that’s changing. As we referenced a moment ago, a number of studies suggest CBD helps mitigate the symptoms of stress and related complaints. And a 2015 clinical review found that CBD can help reduce addictive cravings and behaviors. Next up was a CBD-based seizure medication. That approval helped pave the way for wider CBD legality. Importantly, CBD can be derived from either cannabis or hemp. cannabis activists would point our attention to one of America’s most famous—and controversial—plants: Wild hemp. Is CBD Legal? A Question of Parentage The question of where CBD comes from is more important than you might think. That’s because it can be derived either from cannabis—legal for medical and/or adult-use in certain states—or from hemp. Because it contains so little intoxicating THC, hemp-derived CBD is fully legal under the 2018 Farm Bill. So, where is CBD legal? Technically, it’s permitted in all 50 states, but some impose more stringent restrictions than others. To keep it simple, here’s an easy rule of thumb: Adult-use Cannabis States: Any CBD product—whether derived from cannabis or hemp—is legal in any state that currently permits adult-use cannabis use. All 50 States: Regardless of adult-use cannabis laws, all states allow sales of hemp-based CBD. This hemp-derived CBD is not administered under a state medical cannabis program and can contain no more than 0.3% THC. Where is CBD Legal? A Guide to Air Travel Per Transportation Security Administration (TSA) guidelines, CBD products are permissible in carry-ons as well as in checked luggage, with conditions: “Marijuana and certain cannabis-infused products, including Cannabidiol (CBD) oil, remain illegal under federal law, except for products that contain no more than 0.3 percent THC. TSA officers are required to report any suspected violations of law to local, state or federal authorities.” According to the TSA, its screening procedures are focused primarily on security. But while TSA officers don’t search for illegal drugs, if an illegal substance is discovered during such a screening, TSA may refer the matter to law enforcement. While the guideline outlined above does permit travelers to carry products containing hemp-derived CBD, it’s still important to check the laws of the state you’re traveling to for guidance. Do you have other questions about CBD legality or whether CBD is legal in all states? Just ask! We’re always here to help!

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