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Natural Ways to Sleep Better with CBD Drops

Natural Ways to Sleep Better with CBD Drops

By: Laine Hammer & Cyrus Sepahbodi Raise your hand if you’ve had a rough night’s sleep. Yeah, we have too, and for many of us, it’s a nightly struggle to not only fall asleep, but also stay asleep. We all have various life stressors that make it difficult to quiet our minds and truly unwind. Getting a good night’s rest is especially important when we’re feeling most uneasy. Finding solutions for better sleep can be as simple as unplugging from your electronics or establishing a relaxing nighttime ritual. At Papa & Barkley we aim to make you feel better every day, so we’re here to help you learn about sleep cycles, why REM sleep is important, what sleep deprivation is, and several natural ways to help you sleep better with remedies like CBD drops.  What is Sleep Deprivation?  To put it simply, sleep deprivation is when you are not sleeping enough. Getting adequate sleep is as important to our survival as consuming enough food and water every day. Being sleep deprived can take a toll on brain function and affect other processes in our bodies. Sleep deprivation can also lead to drowsiness, an inability to concentrate, memory impairment, reduced strength, and difficulty fighting off infections. If you are having trouble falling or staying asleep, below is a list of natural remedies to promote healthy sleep.  What Time Should I Go to Bed?  Your sleep schedule depends on your lifestyle, so there isn’t one perfect time to get into bed. However, it is extremely important to get at least 6-8 hours of good, restful sleep. If you’re like me, you tend to work into the wee hours of the morning – that’s okay! – just make sure you’re getting enough rest to function properly the next day! For many of us, getting enough hours of sleep each night can be difficult. Most people tend to wake up at a similar time every morning, while what time we go to bed can fluctuate based on social life, work schedules, personal obligations, our latest Netflix binge (Schitt’s Creek, anyone?), and stress. Developing a consistent sleep schedule can help you regulate your sleep cycles and ensure you wake up refreshed and ready for the day each morning. To help you regulate your sleep cycle aka circadian rhythm, we recommend trying out Papa & Barkley’s Releaf CBD Drops! Taking CBD drops thirty minutes before you intend to hit the hay can help calm your mind and body and prepare you to drift off peacefully into the land of nod. -Cyrus  “Best CBD drops I’ve tried so far! I’ve had trouble staying asleep for the last few months and this did the trick. Not only did I sleep through the night, but I woke up feeling completely rested. Definitely keeping this part of my nightly routine!”   -Jennifer M.  Here’s a handy sleep chart from the CDC to help:   Keep in mind, these are just recommendations. Each person is different, and our sleep needs can change, so it’s important to stay in tune with your body and adapt your nighttime routine over time.  Sleep Stages Explained: Why REM Sleep Is Important  Sleep is not a total state of unconsciousness from the beginning to end. There are various stages that our minds and bodies go through while we sleep. Here are the primary stages of sleep explained:  Stage 1 non-REM sleep: the changeover from wakefulness to sleep. This period lasts several minutes where we are in light sleep. Our resting heartrate, breathing, and eye movements slow down. Our muscles also relax, and brain waves slow as well.   Stage 2 non-REM sleep: the period of sleep before we enter a deeper sleep. At this point our heartrates, breathing, and muscles relax further. Our body temperature lowers, and eye movement stops completely. Brain activity slows down as well. We tend to spend more of our sleep cycles in stage 2 than any other stage.  Stage 3 non-REM sleep: this is the stage of deep sleep. Deep sleep is what we need to feel refreshed when we wake up in the morning.  Deep sleep occurs in longer periods during the first half of your cycle. Our heartrates and breathing slow down to their lowest levels and our muscles completely relax.    Stage 4 Rapid Eye Movement (REM) sleep: REM sleep—when we dream—first occurs around an hour and a half after we fall asleep. REM is the process where our eyes move rapidly from side to side behind the eyelids. Our brain waves become active, breathing becomes faster or slower, and our heartrates as well as blood pressure can increase. Most of our dreams occur during REM sleep, although it is possible for dreams to occur in the other stages. When we are in REM sleep our arms and legs become temporarily inactive, which prevents us from acting out the dreams.    Natural Sleep Remedies  There are many ways we can unwind and calm our minds and bodies before bed, but here are a few of our faves to help you kickstart your new bedtime routine.  Breathing Exercises: Cyrus is our marketing team breathing master and has introduced us all to mindful breathing! Try the 4-7-4 method. Take a deep breath in for four counts, hold it in for seven counts, and breath out for four slow counts. Do this 3-5 times to help you slow down before you drift off. -Laine  Drinking tea: Finally, a nice calming tea! A warm cup of Chamomile, Lavender, or Breathe Easy tea is a great comfort to signal to the brain that it’s time to get cozy and drift off to sleep. This is where CBD drops come in handy! Add a dropper of Papa & Barkley’s Releaf CBD Drops to your favorite nighttime tea to prepare you for a good night’s rest. Pro-tip: there are two preferred methods when dosing with CBD drops—sublingually, under the tongue, or directly into your tea. When taking them sublingually, hold under the tongue for thirty seconds for fastest effects. Placing your dose directly into your tea is just as effective but can take up to 45 minutes for full effect!  Unplug before bed: We know it can be hard not to do a final sweep of social media and email before bed, but studies have shown that the blue light from our electronics suppresses melatonin - the naturally occurring chemical in our brains that promotes sleepiness at night! So, if your phone is five inches from your face right before you turn over to fall asleep, that could mess with your rest. Put down the phone an hour before bed and you might just see some positive changes! If you really can’t commit to that (we get it!), we recommend trying blue light glasses, or a free app on your computer like Flux to help reduce blue light on your screen at certain hours.  Meditation: Much like breathing exercises, meditation is another relaxation tool to help you decompress and prepare your mind and body for sleep. Tip: Try closing your eyes and sitting or lying still for 5-10 minutes without letting outside thoughts intrude your brain space. We mean it – really try to focus on not getting distracted! It’s hard, but worth it. We know quieting your mind can be challenging and could even feel silly at first, but the more you try, the more it pays off! If you don’t know where to start, we recommend the book 10% Happier by Dan Harris. Keep at it, you’ll get there!  Reading a book: Diving into a good book before bed is my #1 way to unwind. I’ve always loved reading, and the joys of entering a world that isn’t my own. It’s always been a relaxing past time. -Laine  CBD: Better Sleep. For You.  We didn’t list it above because we think it deserves its own paragraph! Papa & Barkley’s Releaf CBD Drops are a clean and natural sleep remedy that can easily become a part of your everyday nighttime ritual. Our Whole Plant Full Spectrum Hemp CBD Drops (tincture) are made with our whole plant infusion process using just MCT Oil and Hemp Extract. Our clean CBD tincture is also our fastest-metabolizing formula when taken sublingually, so you can fall asleep quicker. The CBD Releaf Drops come with a measured dropper, so you can easily find your unique dose and titrate as needed. 30 minutes before bed, we recommend taking 0.5ml - 1ml of the Drops. They come in Natural and Lemongrass Ginger so you can pick your flavor of choice! If you prefer to add CBD to your nightly vitamin regimen, we suggest the Hemp CBD Capsules instead! Papa & Barkley Hemp Caps consist of a precise dose of 30mg of CBD to take the guesswork out of dosing, making them ideal for getting a better night’s sleep.  Releaf Capsules really work for sleep!  “For years, I’ve had the worst time falling asleep at night. Nothing worked — not melatonin, not valerian, not even Ambien. Enter Releaf capsules. I take one about half an hour before bed, and as soon as I turn out the light, I’m asleep. Worth every penny!”  -Marci G.  We hope this was helpful! Get cozy and rest easy tonight!   Resources & Citations: 

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8 CBD Mocktail Recipes To Make This Weekend

8 CBD Mocktail Recipes To Make This Weekend

Drinking is ingrained in our culture as a way to reward ourselves, relax, and celebrate. However, for a variety of reasons, many consumers are moving away from alcohol. For that extra dose of relaxation, bartenders are working to make CBD-infused mocktails approachable and accessible. Cannabidiol, or CBD, was the new wellness darling in 2018, with no signs of stopping anytime soon. A medicinal, natural product, CBD uses range from reducing stress to helping insomniacs—all with little to no side effects. CBD is great for those who want to explore the medicinal uses of cannabis without the psychoactive effects of THC. But how do you use CBD oil in recipes or mocktails? Let’s look at the basics. CBD OIL RECIPES CBD oil is one way to add CBD to your beverages, but is best used in more specific ways. Unlike alcohol-based tinctures, CBD oil is difficult to integrate into another liquid. Oil floats on top of a drink or can sit in a healthy layer of foam on top of a drink. The benefit to either method is that the oil offers a cannabis aroma specific to that particular strain or product, adding complexity to the flavors of the drink. However, CBD oil is also prone to sinking to the bottom of the glass. One way to integrate CBD oil into your beverages is to make an infused simple syrup. Mixing equal parts water and sweetener (i.e., honey, agave or sugar), add CBD oil to create the dosage per serving that you are looking for. Typically, a 25-mg dose of CBD is a good starting point. Because CBD oil is typically aromatic and grassy in flavor, your resulting simple syrup will retain these flavor characteristics. You can also infuse the syrup with ginger or herbs like rosemary and thyme for more complex flavor profiles. CBD TINCTURES Because CBD tinctures are alcohol-based, they mix more readily into beverages. This means you will get to enjoy every last drop—and the effects thereof. CBD tinctures are often likened to bitters in a cocktail; offering a slightly astringent characteristic, they are used to balance and highlight other flavors in a drink. Another fun way to add CBD tincture to your mocktails is to make your own canna-sugar. Simply mix drops of CBD tincture into sugar in the ratio you desire, and bake on low heat in the oven until the sugar is dry and a light golden color. Add to hot beverages, or use the sugar to line the rim of a glass for an upscale mocktail. CBD MOCKTAIL RECIPES Now that you understand the basics, it is time to start mixing. Check out these tried-and-true CBD mocktail recipes the next time you want to dig a mellow vibe without the hangover. PAPA’S BLOODY VIRGIN MARY Servings: one drink Ingredients: 1 dropper Papa & Barkley 1:30 Whole Plant Extract 4 oz. tomato juice 3 dashes Worcestershire sauce 1/4 oz. lemon juice Pinch smoked salt Pinch coarse pepper Pinch celery salt Garnish: i.e. celery, pickles, olives, lemon wedge, cocktail onions Instructions: Combine tomato juice, Worcestershire sauce, lemon juice, salts and pepper and shake over ice. Strain over ice and add garnish to the glass. Top with one dropper of Papa & Barkley 1:30 Whole Plant Extract, and stir into the drink with a stir stick. PAPA’S VIRGIN CBD COLADA Servings: one drink Ingredients: 1.5 oz water plus ½ tsp. almond extract 1 oz. Coco Lopez coconut cream 3/4 oz. lime juice 5 blackberries 3/4 oz. Papa & Barkley CBD simple syrup Instructions: In a shaker, muddle blackberries and CBD simple syrup. Add water and almond extract, Coco Lopez, lime juice and shake vigorously. Pour over ice and enjoy. MORE CBD MOCKTAIL RECIPES 1. Hemp Hot Toddy 2. Rosemary Citrus Spritzer 3. CBD Julep 4. Smoky CBD Mezcal Margarita 5. Gin and CBD Tonic 6. Cucumber Ginger CBD Mocktail Jacquelyn Nause is a contributing writer with specialties in cannabis, real estate and wellness. She enjoys traveling with her husband, being a doting mother to her two incredible kids and enjoying the beautiful Pacific Northwest playground. References:

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6 Ways You Can Use CBD For Better Sex

6 Ways You Can Use CBD For Better Sex

CBD FOR SEX For those who suffer from stress, performance anxiety, or discomfort in the bedroom, CBD-infused pleasure enhancers are here to help. In recent years, medical experts and scientists have tapped into CBD’s healing properties, including decreased inflammation, improved gut health, calmed nerves, improved sleep and more. However, beyond medicinal purposes, cannabidiol can also be used to give your sex life a boost. As the non-psychoactive ingredient in the marijuana plant, CBD can alleviate inhibition during sex, as well as reduce discomfort during penetration and enhance sensations. In other words, instead of using another substance (i.e., alcohol) to unwind, CBD can provide similar effects without the hangover or fuzzy memories. In fact, because cannabidiol helps with restful sleep, incorporating an edible, vaporizer or CBD-infused lube can actually improve post-sex sleep. 1. IMPROVING DESIRE While the most well-known benefits of CBD are tailored toward stress reduction and discomfort, there’s also a chance that it can help with arousal and desire levels. When applied topically, the CBD and THC dilate your blood vessels, allowing fresh oxygenated blood to flow more easily. In other words, CBD and TCH are vasodilators. Typically, fresh oxygenated blood is associated with increased arousal and stimulation. 2. RELIEVING DISCOMFORT If chronic discomfort or sexual dysfunction are problems, CBD may also be able to help with discomfort during sex. Studies show that CBD is a potent option for normal inflammation, and can be effective as an adjunct treatment for discomfort. For example, topical, whole-plant CBD balm can help women experiencing painful sexual intercourse due to vaginal dryness or irritation. CBD lube also does the trick. 3. REDUCING STRESS One of the many ways that people use CBD is to help overall well-being and improve their mental state. CBD works directly on the body’s endocannabinoid system, a complex network of receptors in the body that help regulate the nervous system, immune system, and the body’s organs. Those receptors, when activated by the body’s own endocannabinoids, can have a calming effect on the brain. Furthermore, using CBD in the bedroom can create a feeling of calm, relaxation and elation, translating into enhanced sexual pleasure. 4. STRENGTHENING SENSATIONS When it comes to the female reproductive tract, cannabinoid receptors are found in the uterus, fallopian tubes, ovaries, vagina and vulva, and they play a significant role in the day-to-day pleasures and discomfort associated with sex. These receptors are key in improving low libido and the inability to achieve orgasms. As previously mentioned, CBD increases blood flow and nerve sensation, which can help enhance sexual pleasure and intensify orgasms for all parties. 5. ENHANCING FOREPLAY To help tune into the physical experience of foreplay, CBD lube enhances sensation and climax. Largely due to its ability to repair tissue damage and improve blood flow to the genitals, a coconut oil-based CBD lube is gaining popularity. Combined with THC, the psychoactive component of cannabis, men and women report an enhanced sex drive. Plus, CBD lube relieves women of the discomfort they sometimes feel during penetration as it relaxes the tissues surrounding the sex organ. 6. RELAXING WITH CBD BODY OIL Fast-absorbing and lightweight, a sensorial body oil offers targeted topical relief as well as natural energy. In between the sheets, try a CBD-infused body oil to reduce muscle tension and create a soothing sensation. The therapeutic blend of essential oils combined with full-spectrum cannabinoids leverage the natural power of the whole plant. Before getting frisky, massage your partner’s back and arms with CBD body oil. Edie Horstman is a certified Integrative Nutrition Health Coach, wellness blogger, and freelance writer. She works with health-focused brands, co-creating content in the digital marketing space. She lives in Denver, Colorado. References

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Does CBD Oil Show Up On A Drug Test?

Does CBD Oil Show Up On A Drug Test?

Lauded as a health elixir for its potential to relieve everything from reducing stress to normal inflammation, cannabidiol (or CBD) is growing rapidly in popularity—but will it show up on a drug test? The short answer: it depends. Unlike the other famous compound in cannabis, THC, CBD will not make a user feel “high.” It lacks the psychotropic effects of THC, but that doesn’t necessarily make it undetectable. If you’re an avid CBD user with an upcoming pre-employment drug test, here’s what you need to know to prepare. WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT DRUG TESTS AND CBD According to TONIC, it’s “unlikely” that CBD will show up on a drug test, not because it’s undetectable, but because most drug tests aren’t looking for CBD. The average drug test is looking for the presence of THC or THC metabolites. CBD is chemically distinct from THC, so it is doubtful that pure CBD would be detected in these types of drug tests. A company would have to obtain a separate test designed specifically to pick up CBD, and most companies aren’t willing to shell out more money if they don’t have to. DIFFERENT CBD PRODUCTS MEAN DIFFERENT TEST RESULTS Keep in mind that not all CBD products consist of pure CBD. If your CBD product is hemp-based, it may contain trace amounts of THC. Products deemed “whole plant” or “full spectrum” benefit users by containing more than CBD, including terpenes, flavonoids and other cannabinoids, which are believed to work synergistically with CBD. While its health advantages are high, these types of products may lead to a positive drug test. Generally, if your CBD oil has less than 0.3 percent THC in it, it shouldn’t show up on a hair test, although it may appear in a urine or saliva test. HOW LONG DOES CBD STAY IN YOUR SYSTEM? There is not much reliable data to confirm how long CBD stays in a user’s system, though a 2014 publication in the scientific journal Epilepsy Currents reported “one to two days” for a single oral dose. If you’re taking full-spectrum oil, it’s probably best to look into how long THC stays in your system, which is usually detectable in body fluids for one to 30 days after last use. ISN’T CBD LEGAL? There’s an ongoing national debate about the federal legality of CBD. Unless it is extracted from hemp cultivated under the 2014 Farm Bill, the DEA maintains that CBD is illegal. While it won’t stop the compound from continuing to be widely available anytime soon, this grey area causes some confusion in courts, especially in states where cannabis is available for medical or recreational purposes. Legal or not, many companies call the shots on whether or not drug testing is necessary. Luckily, there seems to be a shift in dropping marijuana from testing protocol all the way to the White House. Labor Secretary Alexander Acosta said in 2018, “We have all these Americans that are looking to work,” Acosta said. “Are we aligning our … drug testing policies with what’s right for the workforce?” As CBD rises in popularity, it seems the national conversation is evolving at an equally rapid rate. Erica Garza is an author and essayist. Her work has appeared in Time, Health, Glamour, Good Housekeeping, Women’s Health, The Telegraph and Vice. She lives in Los Angeles. References:

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How to Identify a High-Quality CBD Oil

How to Identify a High-Quality CBD Oil

Papa and Barkley Product Photo Shoot in Beverly Hills. Brunch and cocktails. Photo Credit: Timothy Kuratek The cannabidiol (CBD) industry is expected to hit $2 billion by 2022 as the cannabis compound makes its way into everything from bath bombs and makeup to dog treats and pharmaceuticals. Choosing a CBD product from the vast array of available products may seem daunting, especially when it comes to its most popular form: oil. But it’s critical that consumers choose high-quality CBD oil, as low quality CBD may not offer the same health benefits, and can even contain toxins. To ensure you’re getting high-quality CBD oil, here are some things to look for across labeling, production standards and product descriptions. CBD LABELS: WORDS MATTER Words matter when it comes to CBD product labels. Luckily, a few descriptions are common among top-quality products. Products deemed “whole plant” or “full spectrum” are different from CBD isolate, or what is often referred to as “pure CBD.” Percentages for CBD isolate are typically 99 percent or higher, but have been refined to exclude other molecules from the cannabis plant. These include terpenes, flavonoids and other cannabinoids, which are believed to work synergistically with CBD, making the benefits exceptionally higher than CBD alone. Another important factor to consider is whether the label reads “hemp oil” or “hemp seed oil,” which indicates a separate product from CBD oil. Hemp oil is made from hemp seeds, meaning there is little to no CBD content, whereas CBD oil is made from the leaves, flowers and stalks of the hemp plant—the only parts of the plant where cannabidiol is found. PRODUCTION: HOW WAS THE CBD EXTRACTED? While it may take some digging to uncover, finding out how your CBD oil was manufactured can tell you a lot about its quality. Some companies, especially those who sell their products for a significantly low price, may employ questionable methods when extracting CBD oil, such as using toxic solvents like propane, hexane, pentane or butane. Safer methods of extracting CBD include using organic, pharmaceutical-grade ethanol or supercritical CO2 extraction, which involves using carbon dioxide under high pressure in an extremely cold environment. Something else to consider is where the product originated. If the plant from which the CBD was extracted grew in rich soil, the resulting product will have absorbed nutrients from that soil. But if the plant grew in soil containing heavy metals, like mercury and lead, the CBD may be high in toxins. If possible, try to locate CBD extracted from U.S.-grown plants, since U.S. farmers must be certified by state departments of agriculture. WHAT TO ASK THE CBD SELLER To find out how your CBD was produced, simply browse a company’s website or consider calling a customer representative if you can’t find the information you’re looking for. You may also want to inquire about lab results of product testing and whether or not the company adds extra ingredients to its oil (and why). A company that lacks transparency is a good indicator that you should look for your CBD elsewhere. Erica Garza is an author and essayist. Her work has appeared in TIME, Health, Glamour, Good Housekeeping, Women’s Health, The Telegraph and VICE. She lives in Los Angeles. References:

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How to Use CBD Oil for Discomfort From a Sports Injury

How to Use CBD Oil for Discomfort From a Sports Injury

From martial arts fighter Nate Diaz to professional cyclist Andrew Talansky, many athletes are turning to cannabidiol (CBD) to relieve the discomfort, minor aches, and normal inflammation of sports injuries as well as to enhance performance. Not only can CBD relieve discomfort post-injury; it can also serve as a protectant. Whether you’re a professional athlete or you just shoot hoops with your friends now and then, here are some ways you can use CBD oil for discomfort, specifically in relation to a sports injury. HOW CBD WORKS The cannabis plant contains over 400 chemicals, of which 70 to 120 are unique to the plant and known as cannabinoids. The two major cannabinoids in cannabis are tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), which makes a person feel “high,” and cannabidiol (CBD), which has no psychoactive effects.        Along with having antioxidant qualities that reduce normal inflammation, CBD interacts with the serotonin and vanilloid receptors in the brain, affecting one’s perception of pain. Some athletes report that CBD is so effective in relieving the discomfort of sports-related injuries that it has replaced opioid-based painkillers, which can have highly addictive properties. In addition to minor aches, whole body discomfort, and normal inflammation, CBD has been shown to relieve muscle spasms, muscle soreness, and even help improve sleep. TOPICAL VERSUS INTERNAL CBD CBD can be used both topically and internally, from balms you apply to the skin to tinctures you hold under your tongue. The most common method of using CBD is oral, ideal for whole-body comfort. CBD can be taken as an oil or tincture held under the tongue or vaped, or in capsule form, which often makes it easier to dose. Taking CBD orally means that it will be metabolized faster, so you can feel its effects right away. This method may also potentially alleviate other symptoms like stress or restless sleep. When experiencing sore muscles or spasms, CBD applied topically can target the whole body aches directly. Methods available include patches, balms, body oils, and even bath soaks. The onset of comfort may be more gradual because it has to pass the transdermal layer, but its effects will also be long-lasting, making it a suitable option for chronic discomfort. CBD DOSAGE CBD dosage depends on the user’s specific needs as well as the method used. Though there have been no serious potential side effects, keeping the dosage low (such as 5mg daily) is preferred to avoid intolerance, especially when using capsules, oils or tinctures. This dose can then be gradually increased over time. When applied topically, CBD can be used more liberally, but keep in mind that its effects may take longer to set in, so patience is key. It’s always a good idea to talk with your doctor about any discomfort you’re experiencing to make sure your sports injury doesn’t keep you benched for good. Erica Garza is an author and essayist. Her work has appeared in TIME, Health, Glamour, Good Housekeeping, Women’s Health, The Telegraph and VICE. She lives in Los Angeles. References:

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What is the Role of the Endocannabinoid System?

What is the Role of the Endocannabinoid System?

You are likely aware of the 11 major organ systems in the human body: circulatory, respiratory, urinary, reproductive, integumentary, skeletal, muscular, nervous, endocrine, lymphatic and digestive systems. Combined, these systems do everything from circulating blood and filtering oxygen, to allowing you to lift weights and run on the treadmill. However, there is also the endocannabinoid system (ECS). While it is less well-known than the other major organ systems in the body, the ECS is deeply involved in establishing and maintaining human health in various ways. DISCOVERY The ECS was first discovered in the 1990s by Dr. L.A. Matsuda. Dr. Matsuda was the first to describe the structure and functional expression of the cannabinoid receptor, CB-1. At the time, scientists were trying to understand how THC—the primary psychoactive substance in marijuana—affected the body. What they discovered was a remarkably complex network of cannabinoid receptors (CBr) expressed in cells of both the central and peripheral nervous system. Since then, other cannabinoid receptors have been identified as well, including cannabinoid receptor type 2 (CB-2). CB-2 is found primarily in the immune system, digestive system and many of the body’s major organs. The discovery of CB-1 and CB-2 changed everything. It prompted a hunt for the body’s own cannabinoid-like chemicals that naturally interact with these receptors. Over time, doctors, researchers and scientists have unveiled the endocannabinoid system as a whole. The ECS has three parts: endocannabinoids (cannabis-like substances that naturally occur inside the body), receptors in the nervous system and around your body (that endocannabinoids and cannabinoids bond with) and enzymes (that help break down endocannabinoids and cannabinoids). HOMEOSTASIS While the size and scope of the endocannabinoid system is still being discovered, the ECS is crucial for homeostasis. The body naturally wants to keep its internal environment stable, regardless of the circumstances in the outside world. In order for homeostasis to occur, the body activates ECS to help correct it. For example, when you’re feeling exhausted and can’t keep your eyes open, that’s your ECS reminding you it’s time for sleep. When your body is perspiring at the gym, that’s your ECS helping you cool down. In other words, when your temperature is too hot or too cold, your heart is beating too fast or your hormones are unbalanced, your ECS steps in. THE ECS AND CANNABINOID RECEPTORS When something is operating out of range in the body, the ECS uses cannabinoid receptors found in select tissues to initiate homeostasis. As mentioned earlier, humans have at least two types of cannabinoid receptors: CB-1 and CB-2. CB-1 is in the central nervous system (brain and nerves of the spinal cord), and CB-2 is in the peripheral nervous system (nerves in your extremities), as well as the digestive system and specialized cells in the immune system. Through these receptors, the ECS assists in regulating a variety of important functions, such as appetite, digestion, immune function, inflammation, mood, sleep, reproduction, memory and pain. By stimulating the endocannabinoid system, CBD promotes homeostasis, reduces discomfort and decreases normal inflammation. CBD OIL FOR COMFORT Because cannabis products can stimulate activity within the ECS, they’re used to target issues like restless sleep, stress, discomfort and more. In terms of comfort specifically, CBD oil is known to relieve discomfort caused several ailments. Instead of using over-the-counter prescriptions, an alternative—like CBD oil—can provide an all-natural solution to chronic discomfort. In essence, while the ECS responds to the endocannabinoids produced in the body, it also responds to external cannabinoids, like CBD. Introducing CBD to the body can help reduce the symptoms of a wide range of ailments, and doses vary from person to person.   References:

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Why Topical CBD Oil is Just as Effective as Consumed CBD

Why Topical CBD Oil is Just as Effective as Consumed CBD

There are several methods for using CBD oil and reaping the benefits. As you’re likely aware, it can be ingested through vaping, pill form, or used topically as a cream. But, depending on what you’re using CBD for, the method can really matter. For instance, when using CBD for discomfort management, topical oils could be an easy, effective option for physical comfort. Here’s what you should know about using topical CBD oil for minor aches and overall comfort. TOPICAL CBD OIL: IDEAL FOR FIGHTING DISCOMFORT Various research shows that topical CBD oil can be an effective method to combat chronic discomfort. From joint health to normal inflammation, studies have found that topical CBD oil can be very efficient for providing comfort. There’s also research finding that CBD can help with more minor forms of discomfort like cramps and headaches. However, since some of these studies have been performed on animals, further research is needed to confirm CBD oil’s comforting effects on humans. TOPICAL CBD OIL: HOW IT WORKS There are two key ways that topical CBD oil works to fight discomfort. First, the oil contains what are called endocannabinoids, or body signals that help you notice and manage various functions, including discomfort. CBD naturally raises the endocannabinoids in your body, helping to relieve minor discomfort. Second, CBD helps limit your body’s inflammatory response when you have muscle soreness due to exercising or lifting weights. By working with the natural functions in your body, CBD eases a variety of discomfort and helps make you more comfortable, whether you’re dealing with a chronic condition or just temporary minor aches and soreness. TOPICAL CBD OIL: HOW TO USE IT Topical CBD can come in a number of forms, like an oil, salve, lotion or even a patch. There are even CBD-infused bath salts and soaks to give you full-body relief. When you have an area of the body that’s uncomfortable, you can use topical CBD the way you would a lotion to help combat the discomfort. The great thing about topical CBD oil is that it doesn’t enter the bloodstream when you apply it—meaning that it really targets just the area where you slather it on. And, just to give you a heads up: You need to apply it liberally. Skin is designed to keep anything put on it from entering the body. Choosing a product with a high concentration of CBD and making sure that you apply enough to get into your skin’s pores will give you the best results. If you’re using it in the bath, follow the product instructions for how long you should soak, to really reap the benefits. USING CBD INSIDE AND OUT Depending on the ailment you’re hoping to ease with CBD, you should use the most efficient method for comfort. For instance, if you’re using CBD oil for stress reduction, vaping is considered the fastest, most effective means since ingesting in this way can send the CBD and its healing properties straight to your brain. Topicals, by contrast, can take a bit longer to be effective. (And, as mentioned, concentration matters!) Trying a sample on a sore muscle before making a purchase can be helpful—you may feel the effects right away, depending on the formulation. Natasha Burton has written for Women’s Health, Livestrong,, and, among other print and online publications. She’s also the author of five books, including “101 Quizzes for Couples” and “The Little Black Book of Big Red Flags.” References:

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How is CBD Oil Made?

How is CBD Oil Made?

You may know about CBD oil’s various health and wellness benefits, but most of us are a little less informed about the substance’s production and what we should know before choosing a product to use. Whether ingested or used topically, CBD oil is made using a few different processes. To boot, it can even be different colors and contain contaminants, depending on how the cannabis plants used to make it are grown. As you can imagine, these are all important considerations before making a purchase. Here’s what to know about how CBD oil is made and what to consider when assessing CBD products. CBD WHOLE-PLANT EXTRACT METHOD When looking at how is CBD oil made, one method is known as “whole plant extract” (and it’s also known as “full spectrum”). This means that, when the oil is made, it contains not only CBD but also some levels of THC, as well as other cannabinoids from the cannabis plant, and terpenes, which are the anti-inflammatory agents within the plant. Typically, whole-plant is the more popular option. Research shows that full spectrum CBD oil can be more effective than isolate CBD oil—more on this in a moment—for treating inflammatory conditions. ISOLATE METHOD Comparatively, the isolate method means that the CBD oil extracted contains only CBD (that means no terpenes, fatty acids or other cannabinoids). Some people may prefer this method for one simple reason: Because it doesn’t have any level of THC, isolate method-produced CBD oil can be considered a less risky option for anyone who doesn’t want THC in their system. (The chances of this are low, but for those very cautious people, isolate can be a good option.) CO2 EXTRACTION To make the oil itself, supercritical carbon dioxide process is the most expensive and purest way to go. This newish process uses fluid CO2—instead of chemicals—as a solvent, and it’s often used in the food industry for other commercial extraction processes, particularly to make coffee and omega-3 oil. ETHANOL EXTRACTION This extraction method is the most common. Basically, ethanol is used as a solvent to remove CBD from the cannabis plant. The upside to this is that it’s fast, it’s less power intensive than the CO2 method and it requires inexpensive equipment. The downside? Ethanol is super-flammable so the process requires certain precautions. COLOR CHOICES In addition to how CBD oil is made, there’s some variance in color, depending on the oil type. Filtered oil is yellow or gold and is considered the highest quality (meaning it may also be more expensive). Decarboxylated oil is heated to “activate” CBD’s healing properties and is known for being extremely potent. It’s typically more of an amber or brown color. Raw oil is usually dark or green-tinged, since it doesn’t get filtered and still contains plant fibers and chlorophyll. WHAT TO CONSIDER BEFORE YOU BUY The most important factor when choosing a CBD oil is not necessarily how it’s made and what process is used. What matters most is how the cannabis plants are grown and what contaminants, if any, they contain. While several states have legalized CBD, there is a still little regulation to protect consumers. Learning about whether topical or ingested is right for you, how much THC and CBD are in a product, and what testing was performed on the final product are some of the key things you should be sure to find out before choosing a CBD oil. Natasha Burton has written for Women’s Health, Livestrong, MSN, Cosmopolitan and Woman’s Day, among other print and online publications. She’s also the author of five books, including “101 Quizzes for Couples” and “The Little Black Book of Big Red Flags.” References:

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