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CBD For Pets: A Natural Way To Relieve Discomfort And Reduce Stress

CBD For Pets: A Natural Way To Relieve Discomfort And Reduce Stress

You may have already heard how cannabidiol, or CBD, can relieve discomfort and reduce stress in humans, but did you know that CBD also helps pets? From tinctures to capsules to chew treats, cannabis products have burst onto the market to help pets live better lives. Learn why researchers and pet owners have started using CBD for their pets. REDUCE STRESS From fireworks to long plane rides, there are many reasons why your pet might become fearful and anxious. Research shows that CBD has the potential to promote emotional well-being in both animals and humans. There are also several anecdotal success stories, such as those found in the popular Facebook group CBD Oil for Pets, in which members swap tips on using CBD with their animals, some saying CBD has relieved even an “extreme degree of anxiety.” In pets, emotional distress can manifest in a number of ways. Some telltale signs include: aggression, destructive behavior, hyperactivity, trembling, digging, and having accidents in the home. MANAGE DISCOMFORT CBD is lauded for its anti-inflammatory properties, relieving minor aches and stiffness in humans, from athletes to the elderly. Researchers found that dogs that received CBD oil every 12 hours over four weeks showed a significant decrease in discomfort and increase in activity compared to dogs that received placebo oil. WHERE TO FIND CBD FOR PETS If you live in a state that offers legal CBD, your dog may benefit from a few drops of oil on their food, or you can purchase several cannabis products specifically designed for dogs. However it’s always a good idea to speak with your vet first if you have any concerns. Unless you live in California, the only state that’s legally cleared the way for veterinarians to discuss CBD treatment, many vets will not bring the topic up first. Still, while CBD can interact with other drugs if animals are already medicated, the overall consensus of doctors is that CBD is a safe form of treatment. Dr. Cornelia Wagner, owner of Hawthorne Veterinary Clinic in Portland told Forbes that any pet’s treatment plan with cannabis should begin with the lowest dose possible. “The upper dose limit for CBD products recommended is around 1 mg/kg/day orally, but one should start with a much smaller fraction of this dose such as 0.05 mg/kg/day,” states Dr. Wagner on Hawthorne Clinic’s website. “For THC products, start with an oral dose of 0.1-0.25 mg/kg THC once or twice daily.” If there are no negative side effects like sedation or disorientation, this dose can be increased if the pet has developed a tolerance. While the research on administering CBD to pets is limited, new studies are emerging at a rapid rate. Even in its earliest stages, cannabis for pets reveals extraordinary promise. “People are using CBD and they are excited about its potential,” said Dr. McGrath. We’d guess their pets are excited too. Erica Garza is an author and essayist. Her work has appeared in Time, Health, Glamour, Good Housekeeping, Women’s Health, The Telegraph and Vice. She lives in Los Angeles. References:

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How To Talk To Your Parents About The Health Benefits of CBD

How To Talk To Your Parents About The Health Benefits of CBD

Talking with your parents about using cannabis might fill you with anxiety, but there are ways to make the conversation run smoothly if you’re willing to broach the subject with honesty and intelligence. While the history of cannabis use in the U.S. is a complicated one, that trajectory is rapidly shifting. Adding your voice to the chorus of others who credit cannabis for discomfort, decreased stress, improved sleep, and more creativity only helps to make conversations about cannabis easer, both in your family and on a national level. BE HONEST If the thought of your parents catching you with marijuana or even CBD oil brings up images of sneaking around in your younger years, you’re not alone. Roughly four in 10 cannabis users are secretive about it. But in order to shed the misinformation and negative stereotypes that may have led your parents to dissuade you from using cannabis in your youth, it’s important for educated and well-adjusted cannabis users to come clean (and come out of wherever you once engaged in cannabis use in secret). DEBUNK MYTHS One of the best ways to debunk myths and “stoner” stereotypes — like a lack of motivation or going into psychosis — is to come to your parents armed with evidence that proves the opposite. When it comes to a lack of motivation, it’s worth noting that some strains will produce different effects in the body. While indica strains might make you feel relaxed, sativa will have the opposite effect, leaving you energized, and perhaps more creative. The idea that cannabis lowers IQ is also a myth, as determined by a 2017 study that showed cannabis use in even adolescent users did not cause IQ decline or impair executive functions. Another myth to debunk is the idea that all cannabis gets you high. Cannabidiol, or CBD oil, which is a compound of the cannabis plant that lacks psychoactive properties, is rising in popularity as treatment for a number of ailments from stress to normal inflammation. DESCRIBE HEALTH BENEFITS The medical benefits of cannabis are abundant, with countless scientific studies to back up your claims. Some of the health benefits of cannabis include: Discomfort More restful sleep Reducing stress Gut health Easing muscle spasms There are studies on the efficacy of both THC and CBD oil for discomfort, as well as emerging research on other wellness trends like enhanced athletic performance and even skin conditions. Gone are the days when cannabis was almost always smoked. These days, vapes, edibles, tinctures and balms are just as popular, each delivering its own health benefits to suit your unique concerns. USE IT TOGETHER Take your conversation a step further and consider using cannabis with your parents, or offering them a cannabis-infused gift that you think may help them. Whether they’ve told you about their sleepless nights or achy back, chances are there’s a product that can help. Most of all, don’t assume that your parents don’t already know the benefits themselves. Research shows that more baby boomers are turning to marijuana than ever before. The fastest growing demographic of cannabis users aren’t millennials — they’re seniors. Erica Garza is an author and essayist. Her work has appeared in Time, Health, Glamour, Good Housekeeping, Women’s Health, The Telegraph and Vice. She lives in Los Angeles. References:

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CBD: The Perfect Gift for Everyone on Your List

CBD: The Perfect Gift for Everyone on Your List

Cannabidiol, the cannabis compound better known as CBD, is popping up in products and wellness lists all over. Because it is a natural, non-intoxicating option for minor aches, discomfort, and stress reduction, it is safe for everyone. Found in everything from body oil and face masks to designer tea and confections, CBD makes the perfect gift for everyone on your list. BENEFITS OF CBD OIL The medical benefits of cannabis include increased mental clarity, mood stabilization, and decreased stress, all without the intoxicating effects. It’s even safe to take daily; a recent GQ article notes the benefits of using CBD at work. CBD also increases workout performance and promotes faster muscle recovery. For athletes and professionals alike, CBD helps the body function at its best. No matter who is on your gift list, there is an easily consumable form of CBD for everyone, at varying dosage level. FAMILY GIFT IDEAS Show Mom how much you appreciate her by giving her the gift she has always wanted: peace and relaxation. CBD soothing bath soaks, comforting balms, and tinctures offer fast-acting support from stress, minor aches, and stress. This Mother’s Day, treat her to a spa basket filled with CBD-infused goodies to help her relax. Need a gift for Dad? CBD patches and capsules can help him find “releaf” from discomfort or minor aches as well as promote feelings of serenity. We all know someone who struggles to get a good night’s rest. CBD has long been used to improve sleep. Products like CBD-infused teas, hemp honey and easy-to-swallow capsules make great gifts that can help reduce stress at bedtime and promote restful sleep. GIFTS FOR DOGS CBD is a powerful anti-inflammatory, treating the discomfort at the source. Because CBD is non-intoxicating, it is useful for treating a variety of ailments for both humans and pets. Animal-friendly tinctures, oils and chews make great gifts for dogs and cats to help ease stress and discomfort. Try CBD oil or chews for joint health and reducing stress in pets. CBD SKIN CARE If you know someone who is not yet ready to dive into ingestible CBD, there are tons of luxe skin care products that make great gifts. From moisturizers and masks to serums and cleansers, there are products for every skin type. CBD has shown potential in studies to slow the effects of aging, reduce normal inflammation and redness. It is gentle enough for treatment of various skin conditions, providing soothing moisture and regulating sebum production for glowing skin. From Father’s Day gifts to self-care packages, there are plenty of opportunities to gift the relaxing and healing power of CBD. CBD-infused confections, beverages, topicals and supplements make giving the gift of health and wellness easier than ever. Jacquelyn Nause is a contributing writer with specialties in cannabis, real estate and wellness. She enjoys traveling with her husband, being a doting mother to her two incredible kids and enjoying the beautiful Pacific Northwest playground. References:

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Reduce Stress Naturally with CBD and Adaptogens

Reduce Stress Naturally with CBD and Adaptogens

CBD oil, or cannabidiol, is the non-intoxicating cannabinoid extracted from hemp or cannabis plants that can be used to reduce stress and help the body function at its best. Adaptogens are plant compounds that help the body cope with stress, and promote balance and wellness. Sound similar? The medicinal properties of CBD mimic the effects that adaptogenic herbs have on your adrenals and immune system, both of which play an integral role in your body’s ability to stay healthy, fight disease and manage stress. Let’s take a closer look at how these plant compounds can work together to strengthen the body. WHAT ARE ADAPTOGENS? Adaptogens are plants that support the adrenal system. They help the body cope with stress and promote normal function by regulating hormonal balance. The benefits of adaptogens are numerous. They have an anti-fatigue effect that increases attention and cognitive function, even during periods of mental exhaustion and stress. Further research shows positive effects on immunity, brain health and sleep cycles while also reducing normal inflammation. They can also improve the appearance of our hair, skin and nails. Some of the most commonly known adaptogens include ginseng, ashwagandha, matcha and medicinal mushrooms such as maitake and cordyceps. They help create and maintain homeostasis in the body, continually working to regulate systems to calm or energize as needed. In other words, they help the body adapt to various stressors. WHAT ARE THE BENEFITS OF CBD OIL? CBD interacts with the body’s endocannabinoid system, which is responsible for regulating bodily functions like appetite, mood, sleep, and immunity. CBD is non-psychoactive, meaning users can glean the medical benefits without feeling impaired or foggy. Like adaptogens, CBD helps to maintain homeostasis in the body. It can help boost focus and clarity, or have a relaxing effect. There are many health benefits of CBD oil including decreased stress, more restful sleep, lower blood pressure and eases discomfort and normal inflammation. HOW TO TAKE ADAPTOGENS Unfortunately, most people cannot stomach the taste of adaptogens on their own. Powdered adaptogens can be added to smoothies, cereal and other foods for maximum palatability. They are also available in capsule form or tinctures. There are some synergistic adaptogen blends that contain CBD — but, when starting out, it is best to try adaptogens individually to note how each affects your body. The general rule is to allow three to nine months for adaptogens to take their full effect. While cannabis is not officially classified as an adaptogen, it meets all of the criteria of being a nontoxic, natural plant that has a stress-reducing effect on the body. Because CBD and adaptogens work similarly, there is potential that they boost or enhance the effects of the other when taken in combination. Pair the relaxing, mood-boosting effects of CBD with various adaptogens to enhance their effects and reap the medical benefits of each. Jacquelyn Nause is a contributing writer with specialties in cannabis, real estate and wellness. She enjoys traveling with her husband, being a doting mother to her two incredible kids and enjoying the beautiful Pacific Northwest playground. References:

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Pineapple Upside Down Cake Hemp CBD Mocktail

Pineapple Upside Down Cake Hemp CBD Mocktail

CBD RECIPE WITH RACHEL PAULSON You’ve heard of Pineapple Upside Down Cake, right? Try this amazing Hemp CBD Pineapple Upside Down Cake Mocktail that will make you feel like you are on vacation on a tropical beach. Watch the original video here to follow along! INGREDIENTS A bottle of our Hemp CBD Rich Tincture 2 Ounces of Apple Juice 2 Ounces of Pineapple Juice 1/2 Ounce Lemon Juice 1/2 Ounce of Maple Syrup Soda Water 1 Egg Ice Shaker with a strainer DIRECTIONS Add 2 Ounces of Apple Juice  Add 2 Ounces of Pineapple Juice Add 1/2 Ounce of Lemon Juice Add a full dropper (.5ml) of our Hemp CBD tincture Add 1/2 Ounce of Maple Syrup Add 1 full egg-white Add Ice & Shake Pour with drink strainer into glass with crushed ice  Add a dash of soda water Garnish with a piece of Pineapple Enjoy!

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Why CBD with Yoga is the Best Idea Ever

Why CBD with Yoga is the Best Idea Ever

Cheryl Guinto What is better than living your best life with the daily practice of yoga? Adding CBD to help you connect and relieve stress.   It is estimated by the Anxiety and Depression Association of America that anxiety disorders are the most common mental illness in the U.S., affecting 40 million adults in the United States age 18 and older, or 18.1% of the population every year. Many of us experience some form of stress throughout our day. Our schedules are packed, we are working hard at growing our careers, juggling expenses and (hopefully) maintaining some semblance of a personal or social life. Being stressed out does not only degrade our productivity, but that feeling of being weighed down is carried throughout our day, forcing us out of the moment while adversely affecting our health and wellness. It is a challenge, to say the least, to try and mitigate. Maybe that is why so many people are turning to yoga and mindful meditation to find calm and reconnect with our bodies in the moment. But yoga isn’t the only practice that can help us cope with our daily lives. While many people are turning to CBD as a viable medicine to treat medical ailments, there are many who are receiving value from incorporating cannabidiol as a tool to help fight stress and anxiety. The best part? There’s actual medical evidence of how CBD, when paired with Yoga, can help with stress and improve emotional well-being.   YOGA AND CBD FOR STRESS So, what happens when you pair Yoga with CBD? The natural compounds found in cannabis which naturally help your overall well-being and take your yoga practice to the next level. As many yogis are discovering, CBD products and yoga practice go together like bolsters and blocks. Using CBD doesn’t get you high, so it is entirely safe and acceptable to use during your yoga practice. The real science behind the positive effects of CBD has to do with terpenes. Cannabis and other natural healing plants such as lavender, lemongrass, thyme, cloves, rosemary, basil, and pine all have terpenes. But CBD has higher concentrations of terpenes such as Linalool (stress reduction & discomfort), Myrcene (reduce muscle tension & normal inflammation), and Pinene (alertness & memory retention) to help make your yoga practice even more effective. BENEFITS OF YOGA WITH CBD CBD is a natural fit for a restorative-style or gentle yoga class. Because CBD can help with whole body discomfort, improve vitality, decrease normal inflammation, and is associated with increased mood, it is only natural to add it to a yoga regiment. It all really comes down to how CBD, a cannabinoid compound derived from the cannabis plant, interacts with our endocannabinoid system (ECS).   FEEL MORE CONNECTED WITH YOGA AND CBD CBD products, such as the kind we produce at Papa & Barkley Essentials, can easily be applied to your body or ingested via tinctures or capsules. We recommend checking out our quick start dosing guide if you have any questions. Consistency is key, because CBD works best with a regular regimen.

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Hemp Hot Toddy Recipe

Hemp Hot Toddy Recipe

Cozy up to our twist on this winter favorite. You’ll feel the chill and your stresses melt away. Ingredients: 7 oz. hot black tea 1 tablespoon honey 1 teaspoon lemon juice 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon 1 teaspoon ground cloves 1 teaspoon ground nutmeg 1 lemon wedge Essentials Hemp Drops Directions:   Pour honey, lemon juice and spices into large mug. Top with hot tea, stir, then add lemon wedge. Garnish with 0.25ml of Essentials Hemp Drops (7.5mg of CBD).

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Sparkling CBD Mocktails

Sparkling CBD Mocktails

Inspired by a recipe created by Cheryl Malik of 40 Aprons Recipe: 3/4 oz lemon juice 1/2 honey Lemon flavored LaCroix Papa & Barkley Essentials CBD Drops Directions: Mix fresh lemon juice and honey into a champagne flute, top with sparkling soda water. Add 0.25ml of Essentials CBD Drops. Garnish with a twist of lemon. Photo by Chron Vivant

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Cranberry Spice, Hemp So Nice Recipe

Cranberry Spice, Hemp So Nice Recipe

The lively botanicals in this drink will brighten your evening. We recommend sharing with friends. Ingredients: 1.5 oz sparkling water 2 oz cranberry juice 4 dashes Peychaud’s Bitters 2.5 oz apple cider 10 cranberries (plus additional for garnish) Orange wedge Essentials Hemp Drops Directions: Muddle cranberries and orange wedge in cranberry juice Add remaining ingredients and stir with a spoon. Add cranberries and orange peel, and serve on ice. Garnish with 0.25ml of Essentials Hemp Drops (7.5mg of CBD).

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